If you want to become a mother, get away from these things immediately, otherwise you will regret it later.

The first days of pregnancy are full of difficulties. During this period, special attention should be paid to diet and lifestyle. Even if you do not eat anything like that, eat it only after seeking advice from the doctor. If a woman eats something here and there during pregnancy, it has a direct impact on her child. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to diet during this period. Today we will tell you how to control food cravings during pregnancy and also tell you what to avoid.

These things should be avoided during pregnancy:

raw egg

Salmonella can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, vomiting, and dehydration, so don’t eat it at all during pregnancy.

raw fish

Raw fish such as sushi and sashimi should be avoided.


Alcohol can harm a child’s development.


Too much caffeine may increase the risk of miscarriage.


Smoking should be avoided. Women should not smoke at all during pregnancy. It has a harmful effect on the child.

domestic animal

A certain distance must be maintained with dogs and cats.

too much salt

Excessive salt consumption should be avoided during the first three months of pregnancy.

raw sprouts

Raw sprouts should not be consumed during the first months of pregnancy.

junk food

Junk food should be avoided during the first three months of pregnancy.

Raw pineapple and papaya

These contain latex, so should be avoided.

Raw or undercooked foods: Avoid raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs, fish or shellfish. This includes sushi, raw oysters and cold cuts such as salami, pepperoni and prosciutto.

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Unpasteurized dairy products: Avoid unpasteurized milk, soft cheese and ice cream.

Cold cuts and meat for lunch: Avoid deli meats and lunch meats unless they are heated until steaming hot.

Chilled Meats and Seafood: Avoid refrigerated pâtés, spreadable meats and smoked seafood.

Dented box: Avoid eating foods from dented cans, which can increase the risk of botulism.

Liver: Avoid liver and liver products, which are high in vitamin A, which can be harmful to the unborn baby.

Meat: Avoid game meat, which may contain lead shot.

caffeine: Avoid too much caffeine, which can harm your baby. Your health care professional may ask you to keep your caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams (mg) per day.

Salt: Avoid too much salt as it can cause water retention in your body and lead to high blood pressure.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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