If you want to lose weight without a gym or diet, start the work today.

Jogging: If you want to lose weight without exercising or dieting, jogging can be a good option. A light run or brisk jog burns calories very quickly and leads to weight loss.

Brisk walking: Walking briskly for 30 to 60 minutes a day is also a great way to lose weight. Especially by walking in the morning and evening, the weight drops off quickly.

Brisk walking: Walking briskly for 30 to 60 minutes a day is also a great way to lose weight. Especially by walking in the morning and evening, the weight drops off quickly.

Push-ups: To strengthen your upper body, you can do push-ups at home. This not only leads to weight loss, but also increases body strength and strengthens muscles.

Push-ups: To strengthen your upper body, you can do push-ups at home. This not only leads to weight loss, but also increases body strength and strengthens muscles.

Squats: To lose weight, you can lose weight quickly by doing squats at the gym or at home. This not only reduces weight but also increases body strength.

Squats: To lose weight, you can lose weight quickly by doing squats at the gym or at home. This not only reduces weight but also increases body strength.

Jumping Jacks: We all know that weight loss can be achieved by doing cardio exercises. In such a situation, jumping jack is a good cardio workout that can help you go from fat to fit.

Jumping Jacks: We all know that weight loss can be achieved by doing cardio exercises. In such a situation, jumping jack is a good cardio workout that can help you go from fat to fit.

Published: September 17, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. (IST)

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