If you wash your clothes daily, why not towels? Know how often and how to wash towels?

Did you wash your towel after bathing today? Or did you check the towel for cleanliness before using it? These two questions are such that, for most people, the answer would be “no”. In fact, very few people, after drying their body with a towel, would put it in the washing machine to wash it. A study of 100 people found that around a third of people wash their towels once a month, some people wash their towels once a year…

A study conducted on towels claims that the towel you use to dry your body is actually a breeding ground for millions of bacteria. Indeed, even after bathing, certain germs are present on our body and move from our body to the towel. A study conducted in India found that only 20% of people wash their towels twice a week.

Leave towels in the bathroom?

Many people leave the towel to dry in the bathroom after bathing and drying themselves. A study found that it can be very dangerous for you. In fact, every time we flush the toilet, many bacteria enter our toilet and the toilet dirt also gets stuck on the towel. These bacteria start to form a biofilm on the towels, which causes the color of our towel to also change and even after several washes, our towel no longer looks the same as before.

Leaving a wet towel can cause dangerous illnesses

The longer you use a towel, the longer it stays wet. The study indicates that a humid environment is friendly to germs and can cause infections. Professor Elizabeth Scott from Simmons University in Boston says that due to wet towels, we can become victims of infections like salmonella and norovirus. You may even become vulnerable to viruses like COVID-19, as viruses like COVID-19 can survive on towels for up to 24 hours.

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So, in how many days should the towel be washed

According to Jean-Yves Maillard, professor of pharmaceutical microbiology at Cardiff University, habits such as washing towels regularly can help reduce bacterial infections. According to Professor Elizabeth Scott, towels should be washed at least once a week. However, people who are vulnerable to any infection should have their own towel. They say towels should be washed at a higher temperature (40-60C, 104-140F) and for longer with an antimicrobial detergent than household clothes.

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