Professor of the Indian Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology has developed a new technique of adding bone by injecting two chemical pasta by mixing two chemical pasta. Ashok Kumar, professor of department of Biochines and Bio-Engineering, has done this technology, said that this will make the bone of the synthetic bone. From the point of view of India, it can be called a revolution in medical science. Professor Ashok Kumar of Iit Kanpur says that he will be easily added by the synthetic bone."Text-Aligne: justify;"> How to work the synthetic bone
On Wednesday, this technology was given to a private company. His contract was signed. Professor Ashok said the micro porus gel will become very strict after 15 minutes to reach the affected area. He said that this mixture would not affect oxygen supply in the body and blood circulation. This is very important for the formation of fabrics and the body’s ability to repair itself."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Read also: & nbsp;""> Menopause male: Do men also have problems like menopause? The body has an effect on the body with a moldy age
Tuberculosis cancer and bones cause disease
The professor said that in the case of bone tuberculosis or cancer, doctors have no choice but to cut the affected organ. Because there is no more hope that the bones will develop again. At the same time, even in case of bone in the accident, doctors cut this organ as the last option. Apart from that, transplantation is done by eliminating a piece of bone from the thigh or any other part of the body. But there is also a possibility of infection or illness."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Read also: & nbsp;""> Eating figs is beneficial for health, knowing how much should be consumed at the right time and one day?