Is Cancer Meant to Be Dead? Does This Disease Recur After Recovery? Do You Know the Truth?

Myths and facts about cancer: Today, even though medical science has made great strides, many people still view cancer as a death sentence. Cancer patients fall into despair and hopelessness as soon as they discover their illness. Often, their despair manifests itself in the treatment. People believe that cancer is an incurable disease, after which death is certain. People see and understand cancer as a painful death.

But do you know that suffering from cancer does not mean death. If this disease is treated in time, then a person can win the battle against this disease and live a healthy life. However, there is a lot of misleading and false information about cancer, which makes this disease deadly. “ABP Live Hindi” has a special offer on such things – Myth vs Fact. The series “Myths vs Facts” is an effort to get you out of the quagmire of dogmas and bring you the truth.

Myth 1: Cancer means death?
Do: Suffering from cancer does not mean that death is certain at all. In fact, medical science has made a lot of progress and if cancer is detected in time and treatment is started, the battle against this disease can be won. Thanks to new technologies and treatments of medical science, millions of people are living healthy lives today by defeating cancer. Early detection of this disease, proper treatment and support from family and friends give the strength to fight the disease and the life of the cancer patient can be saved.

Myth 2: Do only smokers get lung cancer?
Fact: There is no doubt that smoking is not good for lung health and is the main cause of lung cancer. But let us say that it is not necessary that only smokers suffer from this disease. Non-smokers can also get lung cancer due to inhaling smoke and harmful substances present in the air. If you also mistakenly think that you do not smoke, it is important to take necessary steps to avoid this cancer.

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Myth 3: Can cancer be cured and come back?
Fact: Another myth related to cancer is that cancer always comes back. If this thought also worries you, let us tell you that it is not true. If cancer treatment is started early, the chances of the disease recurrence are negligible, but this danger exists at an advanced stage. Therefore, patients should undergo regular checkups for two years after treatment.

Myth 4: Can eating a particular type of food cure cancer?
Fact: Your diet is very important in many diseases, it is important to follow a good diet even in case of cancer, but it would not be right to say that cancer can be cured through it. Even though a balanced diet, rich in vegetables and fruits, is good for your health, it would be a mistake to think that special supplements or superfoods can help prevent cancer.

Myth 5: Does cancer spread from a biopsy?
Fact: One of the biggest fears of cancer patients is that biopsy will make the cancer worse, but according to doctors, every year 14,00,000 patients in India and more than 50,00,000 patients across the world are treated for cancer. No patient can undergo treatment without biopsy as it is the best way to detect cancer. In such a situation, there is no truth in the claim that cancer spreads through biopsy. The patients are at an advanced stage and their disease had already spread before the biopsy.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

Read also :
Myth vs. Reality: Does Smoking Alone Cause Lung Cancer? The Disease Does Not Occur at a Young Age, Know the Reality

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