Is food also cooked in this cooking oil in your home? Know why it’s dangerous

Cooking oil may be linked to colon cancer: Everything we eat and drink has a direct impact on our body, so it is advisable to have a healthy and balanced diet. But many people use different types of cooking oils considering them healthy, but some cooking oils have an adverse effect on our health.

According to recent research, the use of certain seed oils also increases the risk of colon cancer or colorectal cancer. Let us tell you about the oils you should reduce your use of and how they can harm your health.

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This oil may increase colon cancer

According to a report published in the medical journal Gut, concerns have been raised about sunflower, canola, corn seed and grapeseed oils. In fact, according to research, the use of this type of oil has increased the incidence of colon cancer patients. It appears that cooking increases the risk of developing colon cancer in patients aged 30 to 85.

Research has shown that people should replace seed oils with other oils containing omega 3 fatty acids, such as olive and avocado oils. In fact, seed oils can increase the lipid profile, which increases the body’s fat content. These oils also cause inflammation in the body because they contain omega 6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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Healthy alternatives to oil

Now you may be wondering if seed oils are harmful to health, then which oils should we use? So, according to experts, you can use pure ghee, which is rich in vitamins and healthy fats. Apart from this, peanut oil can also be used in many foods, it contains monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health. Apart from this, coconut oil is also rich in fatty acids and helps in digestion. You can use mustard oil in winter, it contains natural warmth which is very beneficial in winter.

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