Is raw milk better or pasteurized, which is healthier?

Raw or pasteurized milk : Since childhood, we all hear how milk is beneficial for us. Drinking it makes the body stronger. Milk is considered a complete food for our body. Almost all nutrients are found there, including proteins and vitamins. Most people don’t know the correct way to drink milk. Many people believe that raw milk is more beneficial for health, while some advise drinking boiled milk. In such a situation, let us know which is better, raw milk or pasteurized milk…

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What are the benefits of drinking milk?

the brain becomes sharper

Bones and muscles become stronger

strengthens teeth

strengthens hair

Reduces stress-depression

control blood pressure

we seem to sleep well

The risk of diabetes is reduced

Heart disease is decreasing

Should you drink raw milk or not?

According to Healthline, raw milk is more nutritious than boiled or pasteurized milk. It may become a better option for people suffering from lactose problems, asthma, autoimmune diseases and allergies. The pH, nutrients and water consumption of raw milk are very high, so it can become infected with bacteria more quickly. Drinking this can cause many diseases.

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Benefits of pasteurized milk

According to research, boiling milk changes the nutrients it contains. Boiling milk reduces the protein and vitamins it contains. However, boiling milk reduces riboflavin. Proteins are digestible for the stomach. For people with lactose intolerance, boiled milk does not pose a problem for them. This means that drinking boiled milk has both benefits and harms.

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Should you drink raw milk or pasteurized milk?

According to experts, it is good to drink boiled milk. When boiling milk, be careful not to boil it for too long, as this reduces its nutritional value. If someone has acidity problem, he should not drink hot milk. This can increase problems. Cold milk greatly relieves acidity. You can drink lukewarm milk.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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