Is there a lot of confusion regarding HMPV? Know everything about this virus here

HMPV virus : Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) has become a source of fear these days. Many people fear that this virus could create a situation like that of Covid. Indeed, many symptoms of this virus look exactly like those of Corona. It is mainly young children, the elderly and people with weak immunity who fall prey to this virus.

We talk about all sorts of things on social media. Due to this, many questions arise in the mind, there is a lot of confusion regarding the virus. If you also want more information about this virus, read all the big and small details related to HMPV in this article…

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what is hmpv

Health experts say the first thing everyone should know is that HMPV is not a new virus. It already exists. Its first case was discovered in 2001. It is already present in India as well. This virus attacks the respiratory system. In which the nose, throat and lungs are affected. Its symptoms resemble those of a normal flu. Most people have problems like fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

Can everyone get HMPV?

Health experts say people of all ages can fall prey to this virus. But children under 14, the elderly, asthma patients and those with weak immunity are most at risk. The problems can be serious at home.

What to do if you want to avoid HMPV

1. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.

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2. If for some reason you have not been able to wash your hands, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

3. Use disinfectant and wear a mask.

4. Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from everyone.

5. Do not cover your mouth with your palms, but try to cough or sneeze near the bend of the elbow.

6. Drink enough water and eat only healthy foods.

Whether you have HMPV or not, when should you get it checked?

Doctors say that if any of these symptoms appear, you should go to the doctor and get checked out. Avoid taking medications on your own. Take only medicines prescribed by doctors and follow the routine prescribed by them.

Check out the health tools below –
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

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