Know the Causes and Prevention Methods of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy – GoMedii

Morning sickness is very common during pregnancy. During this time, problems such as vomiting, dizziness, and loss of appetite are possible. This is a problem for a short period in the morning, but if you feel it throughout the day, it can be a cause for concern. In most cases of pregnancy, these symptoms appear in the third and fourth months, but some women have to deal with this problem for nine months.


Causes of morning sickness


pregnancy The clear causes of morning sickness are still unknown. However, most experts agree that Hormonal Changes probably play an important role, among other things.


1. Estrogen content


The amount of this hormone can increase significantly during pregnancy when women Compared to the amounts of hormones found in women who are not pregnant, altered amounts of hormones can cause morning sickness.


2 progesterone content


The amount of progesterone also increases during pregnancy, causing excessive amounts of the hormone. Uterus (uterus) muscles Give rest to avoid premature labor. Although, stomach And intestines Due to a malfunction of the pancreas, excess stomach acid increases, which can lead to gastroesophageal disease or acid Cause reflux.


3. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)


growth fetusas mentioned before, produces this hormone shortly after conception and then the umbilical cord produces it. There may be a possible link between HCG and morning sickness.


4. Odor recognition


When you’re pregnant, you may be more sensitive to strong odors, which can further increase your nausea.


A pregnant woman may also produce more saliva, be hypersensitive to certain smells, and notice changes in the taste of certain foods.

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  • Remember that not all vomiting is necessarily due to pregnancy.
  • Other reasons for this are given below:
  • A sensitive stomach can make morning sickness worse.
  • A urinary tract infection can also be the cause.
  • Tension or fatigue in the body physical Causes a reaction resulting in nausea and vomiting.


Some pregnant women experience extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. To vomit May be experienced. They may feel sick several times a day and be unable to eat or digest drinks, which has a significant impact on their daily life.


Extreme vomiting is known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and often requires more care. The reason why some women are more susceptible to HG is unclear. Experts believe it is related to hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy.


Symptoms of Morning Sickness


Most women experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Overall abilitySymptoms and intensity may vary depending on dietary habits and genetic influences. The most common symptoms of this disease are as follows.


  • feel uncomfortable and nauseous
  • loss of appetite
  • unlike some foods




Grief – When there is a lot of vomiting, you find yourself unable to perform daily tasks or take care of the housework. This can affect your relationships with people around you and cause sadness.



How to Avoid Morning Sickness During Pregnancy


get out of bed slowly


Get out of bed slowly and comfortably. Clean Back While supporting, sit up slowly and stand up after waiting for a minute. fasting in bed or Suddenly The increase may cause nausea.

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don’t stay on an empty stomach


An empty stomach further increases your nausea. This is why women often feel nauseous or sick in the morning. Do not wake up on an empty stomach. Eat something like dry toast or biscuits while lying in bed. Eat them slowly and then get up from the bed.


eat little by little


It is better to eat a little rather than completely. You will not feel sudden discomfort or vomiting. Always keep light snacks with you, so that you can eat them in small quantities throughout the day.


eat a high protein diet


Eat foods that are easy to digest and protein And vitamins Be full of B. Whenever you feel hungry, keep eating dried fruits.


drink plenty of water


a lot during pregnancy Water Drink. However, sometimes you may feel a heavy feeling in your stomach and have difficulty drinking water, which can cause nausea. You can drink water between meals. Drink at least eight to 12 glasses of water throughout the day.


lemon smell


ax Lemon The smell can help relieve nausea. If you feel like vomiting, you can also drink lemon water. This will also make you feel refreshed.


get enough rest


Stress and fatigue during pregnancy increase the problem of nausea. when you feel like it Rest Do it.



If you have any questions regarding this disease Click hereOther than that You can consult a doctor directly by downloading our app from the Play Store. You can also contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9311101477). Apart from this, you can also send us an email at [email protected] regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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The post Know the causes and methods of prevention of morning sickness during pregnancy first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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