Know the reasons for hip pain during pregnancy and ways to avoid it – GoMedii

Becomes bigger and heavier during pregnancy. Women usually gain weight during pregnancy. The increase in weight affects the muscles and mainly the bones in the waist. That is why the pain starts in the waist and hip.


In fact, there is a kind of fluid between the hip bones. Due to this fluid, the hip bones function properly. When there is a lack of fluid in the bones due to aging or any other reason, hip pain begins. Due to the lack of fluid, the bones start to wear out. This friction weakens the bones and can also cause wear and tear. This is where the series of problems related to hip joint pain begins.


Causes of Hip Pain During Pregnancy


during pregnancy, blood The amount increases significantly. It automatically supplements and removes blood vessels at any time. Yours Back It contains many blood vessels. From this hemorrhoid The probability of this happening increases. In addition, increases Child a raise Uterus Puts more pressure on the anus and rectum, causing hemorrhoids.




Sciatica is a disease whose pain Size It starts from the lower back and gradually moves from the feet to the lower legs, which is not bearable. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve. It causes sciatica when there is excessive stretching in or around the sciatic nerve. This pain starts at the back of the hips and the back of the thigh, causing damage to the sciatic nerve and causing hip pain.



Sciatica often affects your spinal cord A disc becomes damaged, causing swelling around the nerve. This often starts with lifting heavy objects and engaging in activities that put strain on your entire body. Body vibrate, like operating machines. However, pregnant women Such problems do occur. But sitting for a long time in a bad posture can also cause sciatica during pregnancy. In addition, when the baby changes position in the third trimester, the nerve is affected and causes pain in the hips.

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labor pain


Women experience different contractions. In some stomach Cramps occur and may extend to the hips. In any case, if you think that your hips are causing pain due to contraction, contact your doctor immediately.


pelvic pain (pelvic pain)


This is the most common reason why pregnancy Causes hip pain. One in five pregnant women face pelvic pain. This happens due to extra pressure on the vagina as the uterus grows.




pious have varicose veins (enlarged or swollen veins) in the anus or rectum. Pregnant women get hemorrhoids for a number of reasons. For the first time, a pregnant woman can easily Constipation It happens. For this reason, the intestine provides all possible molecules of nutrients and Water Slows down the progress of food to ensure every drop is retained.


hip pain symptoms


There is a feeling of pain on light touch on the hip, pain while sitting and pain and swelling in the lower back along with cramps, stiffness etc. Sometimes a sudden fever-like condition occurs which includes pain while sitting and pain. In case of pain existing in the hip muscles, the person is Urine One also has to deal with problems like burning sensation during bowel movements. Muscles The pain and tension persist.


How to Avoid Hip Pain During Pregnancy


  • Steps should be taken to prevent piles. For this, avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time as this puts pressure on the veins in your anus and rectum, increasing pain in the hemorrhoids and hips.
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  • Drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in fiber as this prevents constipation. And increases constipation, hemorrhoids and hip pain.


  • While sleeping, place a pillow under your stomach and between your legs. This maintains the correct body position, which puts less pressure on the pelvis and sciatica.


  • Wear a pelvic sports belt which will reduce pressure on the lower back and reduce hip pain.


  • Taking a bath with warm water is the best remedy to relieve any pain.


  • You can also take painkillers by asking your doctor.


  • Avoid any activity that increases pain.



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