Know the simple ways to control cholesterol – GoMedii

High cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease and heart attack. However, medications can help control your cholesterol levels. But if you already improve your cholesterol levels, it will be good for you. For this you will have to change your lifestyle. Increased cholesterol has a detrimental effect on the health of the entire body.


So it is important to control your cholesterol levels without medication. With this, you will no longer be dependent on medications. But for people who are already taking medications, this change could further improve their cholesterol-lowering effects. For this, we will explain some ways by which you can control your cholesterol levels.



Eat foods linked to heart health


Your diet There are some changes that can control cholesterol levels and your Heart May improve the health of:


saturated fats, mainly Red Present in meat and all fatty dairy products. This increases your overall cholesterol level. Along with this, trans fats also do not keep your heart healthy as these fats are used in cookies and cakes. Trans fats increase your overall cholesterol level.


If you want to control your cholesterol levels, you need omega-3 fatty acids. acid Foods rich in iron should be consumed. Omega-3 fatty acids do not allow LDL cholesterol to increase. Along with this, it also helps in reducing blood pressure and reducing heart problems.Healthy Leftovers. Soluble fiber absorbs cholesterol in your blood. Soluble fiber includes oatmeal, kidney Foods like beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears that help control your cholesterol levels.

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exercise daily


Let us tell you that Exercise Cholesterol can be controlled by. Every day physical Activity High-density lipoproteins contribute to increased cholesterol, which Body It’s good for. To control cholesterol, exercise for at least 30 minutes five times a week.


By doing physical activity, you can also weight Can reduce. For this, you should take a walk every day after lunch.
Other than that, if you have to go and get goods, go on foot, don’t use the car, stay with people who are fit themselves and who also encourage you to stay fit.


quit smoking


Quitting smoking improves your HDL levels, which is your good cholesterol. It’s up to you Health It is better for. Therefore, if you smoke, try to quit. Because of this, you get many types of diseases, these blood pressure And increases the heart rate.


Within three months of quitting smoking, your blood circulation improves and lungs Work also begins to improve. Within a year, the risk of heart disease is cut in half in people who quit smoking.


keep weight under control


If you are overweight, your cholesterol levels may increase because of this. If you drink too many sugary drinks, try this instead Water Drink. Along with this, if you consume fast food, stop doing so as it increases your low density lipoproteins, which is harmful to your heart.


If you are overweight, look for ways to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator to the office. Take breaks during work and go for a walk.

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Do not consume alcohol excessively


Drinking alcohol increases HDL cholesterol levels, but those who consume it should not do so because excessive consumption of anything is harmful to the body.


If you drink alcohol, drink only in quantities that are not harmful to your health. healthy adults women Alcohol should also be consumed in limited quantities. Let us tell you that excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart failure, and stroke.


Sometimes adopting a healthy lifestyle also helps in reducing cholesterol levels. If your doctor gives you medicines to reduce your cholesterol levels, take them regularly, your partner should also take care of these things. Apart from this, if you have any health problem, you can contact our doctor.



The post Know the simple ways to control cholesterol first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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