Marriage between close relatives is very dangerous for pregnancy, it can affect children.

Doctors have warned against marriage between family members. The risk of developing many types of genetic diseases increases. That is why doctors refuse to marry relatives. It has been proven in many researches that marriage within the same blood relation can cause anemia in the body, difficulty breathing, irritability and the body can turn pale due to anemia. The risk of contracting this type of genetic disease can increase. Marriage between close relatives, marriage related to internal blood can cause many diseases. Can increase the risk of genetic disorders in children.

Due to marriage between close relatives, the risk of many diseases increases.

The risk of many diseases increases due to blood marriage. Such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and some types of cancer. The risk of these disorders increases with the degree of genetic relatedness between the parents.

For example, the risk is higher for close relatives than for more distant relatives, such as first cousins. Consanguinity can also affect fertility rates and pregnancy outcomes. These outcomes include.

Pregnancy loss and premature birth. Inbreeding can make populations more susceptible to infectious pathogens such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, but it can also make them less susceptible to malaria and other pathogens. When two people with the same genes marry and have children, these inactive recessive genes double, which can cause genetic problems in the children. According to recent research, marrying within a blood relationship significantly increases the risk of heart disease."text alignment: justify;">The risk of these diseases increases

The closer the relationship between parents, the more likely they are to have a genetic disease that can lead to common diseases in their children. For example, siblings share 50% DNA, uncles and nieces share 25% DNA, and cousins ​​share 12.5% ​​DNA. Some of the diseases that occur in children born to close relatives are as follows. Such as thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, infantile cerebral palsy, and hearing and visual impairments are also affected.

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Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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