Musk’s Neuralink says second trial implant went well, no thread retraction issue – ET HealthWorld

London: Elon Musk’s brain Technology startup Neuralink said its implant, designed to enable paralyzed patients Using digital devices with thought alone is working well in a second test patient.

The company said the patient, identified as Alex, did not experience any “string retraction” issues, unlike Noland Arbaugh, Neuralink’s first patient who received the implant in January.

The tiny wires of the Retracted implant after surgery for Arbaugh, which resulted in a sudden reduction of the electrodes That could measure brain signalsThe threads have stabilized for Arbaugh, Neuralink said.

Reuters reported that Neuralink was aware of this problem because of its animal testing.

The company said Wednesday that it implemented measures such as reduction of movement of the brain during surgery as well as limiting the gap between the implant and the brain surface to avoid similar problems in the second patient.

Neuralink is in the testing process of your devicewhose objective is to help people with spinal cord injuriesThe device has allowed the first patient to play video games, surf the Internet, post on social media and move a cursor on his laptop.

Last month, the company successfully implanted the device in its second patient, who has been using it to play video games and learn to design 3D objects. (Reporting by Christy Santhosh in Bengaluru; Editing by Arun Koyyur)

  • Published on August 22, 2024 at 11:13 am IST

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