No one in my family has heart disease, does that mean I’m not at risk?

Myths about heart attacks: If you want to reduce the risk of heart diseases like heart attacks and strokes, improve your lifestyle and diet. Health experts believe that there is a link between a person’s daily routine and heart diseases. However, apart from these two, there are many other factors that are responsible for heart diseases. Sometimes, this disease is also genetic. This means that if a family member suffers from heart disease, then the next generation, i.e. you too, are at risk of suffering from it.

Regarding such thingsABP Live Hindi Special Offer is Myth Vs Facts. Myths Vs Facts Series» tries to get you out of the quagmire of orthodox speeches and bring you the truth. Many people believe that if no member of the family suffers from heart disease, they are completely safe from it. Let us know the truth…

Myth: If no one in my family has heart disease, that means I’m safe.

Do : According to health experts, if a family member has heart disease, their risk is higher, but many people have heart problems even without a family history. The risk of heart disease can be due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, obesity, stress, and lack of physical activity.

Myth: If my parents have heart disease, I’m at risk too

Do : Cardiologists say this is completely false. Despite family history, the risk of heart disease can be reduced by changing one’s lifestyle. A healthy diet, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, and regular physical activity can keep heart disease at bay.

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Myth: I’m only 30, so I won’t have a heart attack or stroke.

Do : It is becoming increasingly common for people over the age of 45 to suffer from heart attacks, but statistics show that in recent years, younger people are also falling prey to them. In India, one in four heart attacks occurs in people under the age of 40.

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