Now eggs and sperm will be easily manufactured in the laboratory! Parents can become at any age

The reproductive systems of women and men are required to produce a child. As you know, when a man’s sperm is found with a woman’s eggs, the fetus is formed. But the bad lifestyle and food of today have a direct impact on the furnace of men and women. According to a report by the British Human Fertilization and Ebrmacing Authority (HFEA), now technology to make eggs and sperm is easily manufactured in the laboratory. Through which children are born easily by making sperm and eggs in the laboratory over the next 10 years."Text-Aligne: justify;"> In vitro games (abortion)

According to the report of the British website The Guardian, eggs and sperm will be easily manufactured in the laboratory. Which is called in abortion. In this, eggs will be made by eggs and sperm through the skin and stem cells. This will be fully developed over the next 10 years. In this, couples can enjoy the pleasure of parents at any age. Thanks to this technology, singles and gay couples can become parents. He can make a special change in the world."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Men and women have fertility problems with aging. There is a lack of eggs and sperm. More and more people can obtain treatment for the treatment of fertility. This can open ways like & nbsp; Solo parenting and multiplex parenting. Solo parenting means that a person will be able to produce a child with their own eggs and sperm."Text-Aligne: justify;"> In multiplex parenting, two couples often form two embryos. Then the eggs and sperm will be prepared from these embryos. So that another new fetus can be made of it. This reduces the risk of genetic disease. However, through this, it is possible to become a large number of confusion in the laboratory. But there is also a risk of risk with him as there is a risk during pregnancy. For this reason, children can also be born in old age."Text-Aligne: justify;"> HFEA believes that legal and moral regulations are necessary before applying the technology considered to prevent potential abusive use. He recommended additional research on this technique and said that gamitogens in vitro (abortion) are not currently available as a medical treatment. This progress will require a change in law. A decision that is with the British Parliament."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Read also: & nbsp;""> The symptoms of this cancer are the most common in the body, can identify

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