Obesity in women : Obesity is increasing rapidly among Indian women. Their obesity is twice that of men. 4.5 million women over the age of 20 struggle with the problem of being overweight. This was revealed in the medical journal Lancet. Obesity can cause many physical and mental problems in women. According to US Women’s Health, due to obesity, millions of women become vulnerable to many deadly diseases (diseases caused by obesity). In such a situation, let us know what diseases are at risk in women due to obesity and how we can reduce it…
Diseases caused by obesity in women
1. Heart Disease
Cholesterol can increase due to weight gain. Because of this, serious problems like high blood pressure and heart attack can occur. Due to obesity, the blood glucose level increases, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Apart from this, excessive pressure on the heart for blood circulation can damage the heart and blood vessels . There is a risk of cerebral hemorrhage as a result.
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3. Depression – mood swings
Due to the increase in obesity, many girls may experience feelings such as body shame. This is why the problem of stress and depression gradually begins to worsen. Due to obesity, certain hormonal changes may occur in the body, which may cause mood swings.
4. Fatty liver problem
Fatty liver disease can be very dangerous because it is caused by obesity. Apart from this, this problem can also arise due to fatty foods, calories and fructose. Diabetes is also a cause of fatty liver, due to obesity.
5. Kidney problem
Kidney health can deteriorate due to obesity in women. This leads to problems with blood filtration and can increase problems with diabetes and high blood pressure. Apart from this, women do not sleep well due to obesity.
6. These problems also arise due to obesity
Ways to eliminate obesity in women
1. Eat as many green vegetables, fruits, protein foods and coarse grains as possible.
2. Drink as much water as possible.
3. Exercise morning and evening.
4. Set a time to sleep and wake up.
5. Avoid having tea, coffee or caffeine in the evening.
6. Eat a light breakfast in the morning and evening.
Check out the health tools below –
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)