Office stress will disappear, these fruits and vegetables are the best for mental health

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables keeps your mental health very healthy, keeps you energetic throughout the day and your thinking also remains positive. Research has shown that eating fresh fruits and vegetables improves overall health. This increases your happiness and also reduces depression to some extent.

What you eat and drink can help relieve stress and anxiety. Foods like avocado, eggs and oranges can help reduce anxiety. Drinking tea, juice and water is also a good option. You may want to avoid or limit foods and drinks that can increase stress and anxiety. Like sugar and antioxidant-rich fats, minerals and vitamins can help reduce anxiety symptoms. For example, vitamin C in oranges is an antioxidant that helps reduce stress levels.

depression is less

Growing cases suggest that eating more fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of depression.

better mental health

Eating more fruits and vegetables can improve psychological health and reduce the risk of psychological distress.

you are very creative

Research shows that eating more fruits and vegetables can increase creativity and curiosity. Every person should eat dark green leafy vegetables like carrot, banana, apple, spinach, grapes, salad, citrus fruits, fresh berries, cucumber and kiwi in their diet.

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It is better to eat raw, fresh fruits and vegetables rather than eating processed fruits and vegetables. Generally better for mental health. Raw fruits and vegetables contain high levels of vitamins C and E. Which can reduce inflammation and has a deep link to mental health. Cooking vegetables reduces the amount of vitamin C present, which reduces their nutritional value.

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Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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