Suddenly, the hands and feet are starting to get numb on the body, the lack of this vitamin, know because of this

The body needs all vitamins and minerals to function properly. If there is a vitamin deficiency, it has a bad effect on health. One of these important vitamins is vitamin E, which is soluble fat. Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant for the health necessary to protect cells from free radicals and strengthen immunity. Vitamin E is necessary to prevent clot in the heart. If there is a vitamin E deficiency in the body, it can make hands and feet numb. Know the other symptoms and the prevention mode.

Vitamin E deficiency symptoms

Numbness in the hands and feet

muscular weakness

Difficulty walking

Eye problem

Low immunity

Fall ill and again

Slimming and fatigue

How many vitamin E should a person take daily?

According to Harvard Health’s report, men and women aged 14 and over must eat 15 mg of vitamin E per day. Women offering breastfeeding require 19 mg of vitamin E per day.

Foods rich in vitamin E

Eat almonds daily to eliminate vitamin E deficiency. Include mustard seeds in the diet. Use wheat seeds, sunflowers, kusum and soy oil. Eat peanut butter and peanuts. Include beet, green cabbage, spinach, pumpkin, red capsicum, asparagus and mangoes and avocado in vegetables. This can help finish vitamin E deficiency in the body.

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Why is there a vitamin E deficiency?

People who do not take the right diet. There may be a vitamin E deficiency in their bodies. Several times, the problems caused by vitamin E deficiency in the body also occur for genetic reasons. If someone in the family has a vitamin E deficiency or any disease linked to it. So you can be at risk. The problem of chronic pancreatitis, celiac disease, cholestatic liver disease and cystic fibrosis can also cause this.

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