Summer Tips: Excessive consumption of these things can cause big health problems in the summer season

Summer Care Tips: The month of May is going on. At this time it is getting hot all over India. In such a situation, health experts are advising people to pay special attention to their health. A little carelessness in the summer season can make you ill. In summer, doctors advise people to include such things in their diet, which contain a lot of water. Due to this the body remains hydrated. Along with this, you remain full of energy throughout the day.

But, many times people make some such mistakes due to which they cause harm instead of profit. In summer, it is forbidden to consume hot things. By consuming too much of them, you can become a victim of many diseases. So let us tell you about those things which you should avoid consuming in the summer (Foods Avoided in Summer)-

Do not consume too much of these things in summer-

1. Do not over-consume ginger
We all know that the taste of ginger is very hot. In such a situation, its excessive use in summer should be avoided. Excessive use of ginger in the summer season can cause problems like stomach upset and diarrhea. Along with this, you may have problems with burning and gas in the stomach.

2. Do not consume more almonds
By the way, the consumption of almonds is considered very beneficial for health. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in large quantities in almonds. With this, problems like hair fall and blood pressure are removed. But, it is advised to avoid excessive consumption in summers as its effect is very hot. If you consume too much of it, you may have digestive problems. Along with this, it works to increase pitta in your body. In such a situation, you may have a problem of pitta dosha.

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2. Do not consume too much jaggery
By the way, many types of properties are found in jaggery. It is rich in calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorous etc. It helps to overcome the problem of anemia. But, excessive consumption of jaggery in summer can lead to many health problems. Due to its hot effect, you may have problems with stomach and chest, stomach upset, bleeding from the nose.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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