Supporting mental health in mother tongue – Shared Health

Cancer patients cared for by allied health professionals

Renée Saurette is a Psychosocial Oncology Physician at CancerCare Manitoba

Being a source of light and comfort during the darkest moments of someone’s life drives Renée Saurette and her colleagues at CancerCare Manitoba every day.

Saurette is a psychosocial oncology clinic for patient and family support services and spends her days working with people diagnosed with cancer and their families before, during, and after their cancer diagnosis.

“Most of my job is to emotionally support patients and their families,” Saurette said. “Obviously, there can be a lot of feelings in people about this type of diagnosis and everything that can come with it.

“It is both an honor and a privilege to accompany people on this journey, whether it is providing emotional support or helping with more practical needs, such as applying for disability benefits if they need to take time off work. It’s absolutely rewarding and really meaningful work and I feel lucky to be in this role.”

Saurette provides personalized support as well as group counseling options, including art therapy. She and her colleagues also provide general information sessions, currently through a virtual format. She has seen firsthand the support these programs offer patients and their families as they navigate the challenging path of a cancer diagnosis.

“For people dealing with cancer, it can be a really scary time. In my role, I support them through the unknown and offer myself for open and honest conversations,” said Saurette. “Some people find it hard to talk openly and honestly with their family and friends because they don’t want to burden or protect them. I’ve had the privilege of being someone they feel like they can open up to.”

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As a Francophone, Saurette’s comfort in both French and English allows her to help Francophone patients and their families have conversations about some of their most intimate and vulnerable feelings in their native language.

“Any of us can appreciate how scary it is to have emotional conversations about our health with medical professionals,” he said. “It is easier to speak and express ourselves in our mother tongue. That is why any French-speaking client or family member is given the option to select to have their care delivered in French if they choose,” she said.

While the COVID-19 pandemic forced some changes in the way Saurette and her colleagues worked, it did not change their commitment to patient care or affect the support they were able to offer.

“During the pandemic we transitioned to virtual and phone visits,” he said. “For some that might have meant more individual counseling, for others it meant talking to family members alongside their loved one or in the virtual support groups we offer.”

Regardless of how Saurette may interact with the patients and families she encounters, it is her ability to support people through their grieving process that gives meaning and value to her role. Whether through the art therapy program, the caregiver support group, or the support group designed specifically for clients who have gynecologic cancer, these interactions mean a lot to Saurette in her daily work.

“In our society, we have a hard time talking about illnesses like cancer and loss; sometimes making others feel like they need to quickly get over their emotions,” Saurette acknowledged. “But giving people the space and permission to talk about their cancer experience can be really healing and give clients the message that what they’re going through is normal.”

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As an allied health professional, Saurette appreciates being part of the bigger picture in the care and treatment of cancer patients and appreciates working with a diverse team of health professionals.

“A lot of us come from different backgrounds, like social work or counseling,” Saurette said. “Everyone has a unique skill set and we complement each other very well. If someone is stuck or in an unfamiliar situation, we can brainstorm with each other.”

“Our team is truly empathetic and passionate about their practice and committed to their work. It’s a really rich and dynamic group,” he added. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer and is interested in CancerCare Manitoba’s mental health counseling and support services, call 204-787-2109 to self-refer to the free program.

From November 6-12, Manitoba’s health delivery organizations celebrate the diverse and highly specialized skills of our province’s allied health professionals. Representing nearly 200 disciplines working across all sectors and areas of our health system, allied health professionals are vital members of our health care teams.

Also available in French.

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