Symptoms and Treatment Measures of Prostate Cancer in Men – GoMedii

Prostate cancer is a deadly disease in men. Just as most breast cancers occur only in women, most cancers occur in the prostate in men. Men over the age of 50 are at higher risk for prostate cancer. The prostate is the size of a walnut and produces and transports sperm. prostate cancer Grows slowly and initially remains in the prostate without causing serious damage. If prostate cancer is treated or treated early, a person can save himself from the complex problems of cancer.



Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? (Prostate Cancer Symptoms in Hindi)


Symptoms of prostate cancer can vary from person to person. Apart from this, some people do not even experience any symptoms, although the following symptoms of prostate cancer can be seen in men.



  • frequent urination at night





  • increased difficulty urinating




How can men tell if prostate cancer is growing fast or slowly?


fast and slow growth tumor No one can differentiate them or guess how serious it can become. It can remain harmless without causing problems, or it can become aggressive and spread to neighboring organs.



What tests are needed to detect prostate cancer? (What tests detect prostate cancer)


  • For treatment, a clinical examination is first necessary.


  • A digital rector exam can be done to identify cancer in men.


  What is Prostate Cancer? Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention All You Need To Know


  • detect cancer biopsy Can also be done.



Reason for prostate enlargement


aging, genetics and Hormonal Prostate for various reasons like the effect gland begins to increase. Along with this, people working in industrial factories may also suffer from this problem. In such people, the possibility of contracting this disease increases due to exposure to various chemicals and toxic elements.


Let us tell you that due to enlarged prostate, if urine remains inside the bladder for a long time, after some time, the kidneys also start getting affected. From this kidney The ability to produce urine decreases and the kidneys are not able to completely remove urea from the body. Because of all this, urea begins to increase in the blood, which Body Is harmful to.



Types of prostate cancer? (Types of Prostate Cancer in Hindi)


Any of the following types of prostate cancer may occur depending on the cells in which the cancer starts.


Acinar adenocarcinoma: This type of cancer begins to form cells in a man’s prostate. It is considered a common cancer, usually seen in men.


Ductal adenocarcinoma: In this type, cells form in the male’s glandular duct. However, it spreads more quickly than other cancers.


Small cell prostate cancer: In this type of cancer, small cells begin to form.


Squamous cell cancer: In this type, the cancer forms a flat cell that surrounds the prostate.


Transitional cell carcinoma: In this type of cancer, urine Cancer cells begin to form in the pathways that carry them out of the body and the cancer starts from the bladder cancer and spreads to the prostate.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment? (Prostate Cancer Treatment in Hindi)


Prostate cancer can be treated in several ways. However, your doctor will select treatment based on the stage and type of cancer, how fast your cancer is growing, whether it has spread, and your overall prognosis. Healththe possible benefits or side effects of the treatment.


Active monitoring: There are many cases in which prostate cancer grows slowly rather than quickly. In this case, the person needs to be diagnosed. To diagnose cancer, prostate specific antigen is closely monitored using digital rectal tests to detect and treat cancer.


Surgery: If the cancer has not spread outside the prostate, doctors may perform a radical prostatectomy, in which the surgeon immediately removes the entire prostate and surrounding tissue. laparoscopic In addition to the approach, the robotic approach can reduce patient discomfort.


Radiotherapy: radiation Therapy is used to destroy cancer cells. High-energy X-rays are used to destroy gamma rays or particles. Radiation is done in two ways: internal radiation and external radiation.


Hormone therapy: This blocks hormones that help cancer cells grow until they reach the cancer cells.


Chemotherapy: In this setting, drugs are given intravenously or orally to kill cancer cells and shrink the tumor. Indeed, its use in prostate cancer is increasing, especially at higher grades.


vaccination: A cancer vaccination given to boost the body’s immune system to attack prostate cancer cells. This vaccine is made specifically for each patient using their white blood cells.

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The post Symptoms and Treatment of Prostate Cancer in Men first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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