Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency and How to Avoid It – GoMedii

The human body needs all the nutrients to stay healthy. Calcium is the most important one among them. In fact, different parts of the body require different amounts of calcium. When its amount starts to decrease in the teeth and bones, the teeth and bones start to weaken. Apart from this, the lack of calcium in the body leads to the risk of many diseases.


What is calcium? (What is calcium)


Calcium is a chemical element that is human. Body of bone And is considered very good for the brain. Calcium is a reactive metal that forms an oxide-nitride substance when in contact with air. Its quantity must be sufficient in the diet. In fact, calcium is found in many foods, including milk.


A study has shown that the human body consumes much less calcium than it needs. Apart from food, calcium has many industrial uses where its pure form and its many compounds are used. When a person has a calcium deficiency in his body, he does not understand what happened to him, for this you need to know what are the symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body, let us know.


Calcium Deficiency Symptoms (Calcium Deficiency Symptoms in Hindi)



When there is a deficiency of calcium in a person’s body. Thus, by removing calcium from the bones and brain blood Works to control calcium levels. If a person has been suffering from calcium deficiency for a long time, he should not be negligent and should immediately contact the doctor. These symptoms are observed in people who are deficient in calcium.

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People who are calcium deficient often begin to have problems sleeping and need a Sleep Do not come.



to be very tired


Some people always feel tired and lethargic. They lack energy. Insomnia is also caused by calcium deficiency. Its deficiency also causes fatigue, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness.



numbness of hands and feet


People who are calcium deficient often experience numbness in any part of their body. Well, this happens when you Hand Go on Feet They are squeezed, which reduces blood flow and causes numbness. But if this happens to you all the time, these could be the symptoms.



muscle cramps


when someone is Muscles If there is pain, cramping, or spasms, these are symptoms of calcium deficiency. Some people experience pain in their thighs and hands when walking or running. When this happens, people may also experience numbness and chills in their hands, feet, and mouth.



articular pain


Due to calcium deficiency, joint pain appears in older people. As bones begin to age, many diseases begin to appear in the human body. If you want to avoid them, then nutrient Must eat food.



skin and nail problems


Due to lack of calcium in the body skin And the nails are also affected. Dryness, redness and itching of the skin are the symptoms of its deficiency. Due to its deficiency, the nails become weak Sometimes it starts to break on its own.


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dental problems


Due to a lack of teeth And problems start to appear at the bone level. When this happens, teeth become weak, gum problems occur and teeth fall out. If we talk about babies, their teeth come out late when they lack calcium.



Measures to Avoid Calcium Deficiency (Measures to Avoid Calcium Deficiency in Hindi)






Let us tell you that it contains 264 mg of calcium. A research has claimed that among all the dried fruits, almonds contain the most calcium.





Milk is an excellent source of vitamin D


When it comes to calcium, everyone Brain The name of milk comes first. In fact, milk contains up to 125 mg of calcium. In case of calcium deficiency, one should drink milk.






About 50 mg of calcium is found in orange. Those who lack calcium in their body. They must consume oranges. Orange A good way to eliminate calcium deficiency. You can also drink orange juice.






If you are suffering from calcium deficiency, definitely include spinach in your diet. Because spinach contains up to 250 grams of calcium. For people who consume it regularly, the calcium level in their body remains under control.






Although ginger is used in many things, do you know that ginger can overcome calcium deficiency. You boil it in water, if you want you can also add honey and light lemon in this water. Drink it every morning, by doing so, the amount of calcium in your body will be corrected.

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Sesame seeds are a good remedy to overcome calcium deficiency in the human body. Many people use it in cold weather. In fact, sesame seeds contain 88 mg of calcium. If you want, you can also use it in powder form.



white cheese



Curd contains little fat, but it contains up to 125 mg of calcium. People who consume it daily never suffer from calcium deficiency.


Calcium deficiency in the human body can occur for many reasons, but you can easily correct it by changing your diet. When a person suffers from calcium deficiency, he is given supplements. After which, these people start improving within a few weeks. But this is not done without the advice of a doctor. If there is a calcium deficiency in your body, definitely consult a doctor before taking its supplement.


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The post office Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency and How to Avoid It first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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