Does stress really end with smoking cigarettes, why does it show up again and again?

Does stress really end with smoking cigarettes, why does it show up again and again?

Does smoking reduce stress? Actually, nothing like that, but it’s all a mind game. In this article we will talk in detail about how we feel addiction to cigarettes, tea or anything? In fact, any person believes that if there is less stress by drinking tea, alcohol or cigarettes, it is not at all. Instead, … Read more

Be careful if you drink alcohol! Cancer risk increases with every drop

Be careful if you drink alcohol! Cancer risk increases with every drop

Alcohol and cancer : Every sip of alcohol can turn you into a cancer patient. The Surgeon General of America has issued a strong warning on this subject. He advised that, like on cigarette packets, warnings about cancer should also appear on alcohol bottles. Researchers say alcohol contains ethanol, which is converted to acetaldehyde in … Read more

Are mouthwash users at greater risk of cancer? British doctors scared

Are mouthwash users at greater risk of cancer? British doctors scared

A British surgeon spoke on his podcast and found that using certain types of mouthwash increases the risk of cancer. Karan Rajan argued that a person should stay away from this particular type of mouthwash because it increases the chances of contracting a type of cancer. No specific evidence has been found that the use … Read more

How long does it take for the liver to filter alcohol after drinking it? Know the answer

How long does it take for the liver to filter alcohol after drinking it? Know the answer

Liver detox time after drinking : Drinking alcohol is harmful to your health. We see and hear this phrase often. Despite this, many people cannot get away from it. Alcohol affects different parts of the body, but the liver suffers the most. Since the liver is the second largest organ in our body. It processes … Read more

How can alcohol increase pain and anger? Know what the study says

How can alcohol increase pain and anger? Know what the study says

Recent Alcohol StudyNowadays, whether it is a party, youth club, wedding or any other occasion, it is considered incomplete without alcohol and many people regularly consume alcohol, but according to recent research on alcohol, it not only increases pain and tolerance. but can also increase aggression. Research has shown that people who drink alcohol have … Read more

Not only your personality, your fingers also indicate how much alcohol you drink!

Not only your personality, your fingers also indicate how much alcohol you drink!

Finger length and drinking habits: By now you must have heard that fingers reveal your personality. But you’ll be surprised to know that your fingers can also determine what the connection is between you and alcohol. In other words, how much alcohol can you drink? Yes, this may sound a little strange, but it was … Read more

Drinking Sutta with alcohol is very dangerous, know why this combination is deadly

Drinking Sutta with alcohol is very dangerous, know why this combination is deadly

Alcohol-cigarette combination : Do you also drink alcohol and sutta together? If you take a sip of alcohol and a drag of a cigarette, know that you are wasting your life. The combination of the two is very dangerous. Much research has shown that cigarettes and alcohol can be deadly. A study by the Institute … Read more