Joint pain increases in winter, know the preventive measures of Swami Ramdev.

Joint pain increases in winter, know the preventive measures of Swami Ramdev.

Arthritis: Joint pain increases in winter, know the preventive measures of Swami Ramdev. Source link

Elderly woman reduces knee pain naturally with one major dietary change – Watch video

Elderly woman reduces knee pain naturally with one major dietary change – Watch video

Home Health An elderly woman reduces knee pain naturally with a major change in her diet – Watch video Knee pain is a common health problem faced by women. In a video that appeared on the Internet, a doctor shared how an elderly person Knee pain is common in older women (Freepik) Knee pain is … Read more

Want to keep your bones and joints strong? So adopt this particular method to stay fit

Want to keep your bones and joints strong? So adopt this particular method to stay fit

Bones and joints play an important role in a person’s overall health. As a person’s age increases. Bones lose density and become weak, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, it can affect the person’s speed and mobility. Apart from this, a sedentary lifestyle including poor eating habits and lack of exercise can also take a … Read more

Arthritis recovery diet: Leafy greens to green tea, 5 superfoods to manage joint pain

Arthritis recovery diet: Leafy greens to green tea, 5 superfoods to manage joint pain

Home Health Arthritis Recovery Diet: From Leafy Greens to Green Tea, 5 Superfoods to Manage Joint Pain Arthritis can sometimes cause debilitating pain. Here you will find superfoods to add to your regular eating plan to better control inflammation in your joints. Diet to relieve arthritis (Freepik) Joint pain has become a common problem. It … Read more

What disease does badminton star Saina Nehwal suffer from, know the symptoms and prevention

What disease does badminton star Saina Nehwal suffer from, know the symptoms and prevention

Saina Nehwal’s Arthritis: Saina Nehwal, who created history by becoming the first player to win an Olympic medal in badminton, won the bronze medal in the singles category at the 2012 London Olympics and has achieved many milestones in her career, but the career of badminton star Saina Nehwal. The crisis is now looming. Actually, … Read more

Arthritis pain bothers you during the rains, know 7 effective remedies to relieve you.

Arthritis pain bothers you during the rains, know 7 effective remedies to relieve you.

Arthritis pain is more of a concern during the rainy season. This is a pain that can occur in any joint of the body. Generally, it bothers the hands, knees, hips, and spine more. Arthritis can have many causes including genetics, old age, injuries, infections, obesity, and smoking. If this pain bothers you more during … Read more

Be careful if you see 5 types of problems in your fingers, it could be arthritis

Be careful if you see 5 types of problems in your fingers, it could be arthritis

Arthritis: Arthritis has become a very common problem. This problem is also observed in young people. As a result, not one but several parts of the body are affected, which becomes a cause of problems. According to experts, the symptoms of arthritis are clearly visible on the fingers. If this is identified, this problem can … Read more

Arthritis Pain Symptoms: 5 Signs of Increasing Joint Ache in Winters You Should Not Ignore

Arthritis Pain Symptoms: 5 Signs of Increasing Joint Ache in Winters You Should Not Ignore

Home Health Arthritis Pain Symptoms: 5 Signs of Increasing Joint Ache in Winters You Should Not Ignore Arthritis condition or joint pain tends to inflare during the colder months. How do we exactly identify it? Read on to know signs and symptoms of joint pain in winters. Arthritis Pain Symptoms: 5 Signs of Increasing Joint … Read more