What difference will it make if you give up sugar for 14 days? What changes will occur in your body?

What difference will it make if you give up sugar for 14 days? What changes will occur in your body?

Benefits of giving up sugar: Sugar is considered a sweet poison for health. It is okay to consume sugar to a certain extent, but excessive consumption can lead to problems like diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. According to some reports, an average Indian consumes 20 kg of sugar per year. Apart from sugar, whatever we consume … Read more

Just giving up sugar won’t reduce your belly fat, avoid these things too.

Just giving up sugar won’t reduce your belly fat, avoid these things too.

There is hardly anyone who would not like to eat sweets. Sugar occupies an important place in our diet. There are recipes that seem tasteless without sugar. However, consuming sugar in large quantities can be very dangerous for your health. Today we will explain in detail in this article that belly weight or fat cannot … Read more