The number of sperm decreases due to these five things in men, do you not make this mistake?

The number of sperm decreases due to these five things in men, do you not make this mistake?

The number of sperm decreases due to these five things in men, do you not make this mistake? Source link

These diseases quickly lead to death, there is no time even for treatment.

These diseases quickly lead to death, there is no time even for treatment.

Deadly diseases: Nowadays, due to the deterioration of lifestyles and eating habits, many dangerous diseases (high-risk diseases) are spreading rapidly. A large number of people lose their lives due to these phenomena. If treatment is found in time for some of these diseases, lives can be saved. But some are so dangerous that they can … Read more

Artificial food coloring Red Dye 3 could be banned, there is a link to these diseases, including cancer.

Artificial food coloring Red Dye 3 could be banned, there is a link to these diseases, including cancer.

Federal regulators may soon ban the artificial color red 3, as the FDA has found that its continued use can cause health problems. Jim Jones, who is the Foods and Drug Administration’s deputy commissioner for Human Foods for USA. He said such artificial colors are used in edible products like colored candies and marshmallows. Its … Read more

Cancer patients submitted the highest number of health insurance claims, with heart patients in second place.

Cancer patients submitted the highest number of health insurance claims, with heart patients in second place.

Cancer claims increase : People are now becoming aware of the dangerous and deadly cancer. Last year, in 2024, cancer patients submitted the highest number of health insurance claims. Cancer patients are the first to do this. The number of claims filed by cancer patients after being admitted to hospital has increased by up to … Read more

How dangerous can chopped onion stored late be, know why it should be avoided

How dangerous can chopped onion stored late be, know why it should be avoided

How dangerous can chopped onion stored late be, know why it should be avoided Source link

To what extent is the pigeon, symbol of peace and simplicity, dangerous for your health? Know how dangerous it is

To what extent is the pigeon, symbol of peace and simplicity, dangerous for your health? Know how dangerous it is

Diseases caused by pigeons : Do you know that pigeons, a symbol of peace and simplicity, are dangerous for human health. As a result, many diseases can spread. Otherwise, be careful. In fact, this beautiful bird can seriously harm health. It is with this in mind that a few months ago, the Municipal Corporation of … Read more

Why do many vegetables become deadly in winter?

Why do many vegetables become deadly in winter?

Deadly Vegetables in Winter : Green leafy vegetables are very beneficial for health. From the elders of the house to teachers to doctors, everyone advises eating green vegetables. It is also true that leafy vegetables are very beneficial for health, but the pesticides that are sprayed on them to protect them from insects make them … Read more

What difference will it make if you give up sugar for 14 days? What changes will occur in your body?

What difference will it make if you give up sugar for 14 days? What changes will occur in your body?

Benefits of giving up sugar: Sugar is considered a sweet poison for health. It is okay to consume sugar to a certain extent, but excessive consumption can lead to problems like diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. According to some reports, an average Indian consumes 20 kg of sugar per year. Apart from sugar, whatever we consume … Read more