Simple ways to increase your spot response and improve your memory

Simple ways to increase your spot response and improve your memory

How To Improve My Brain: Whenever and at any age you want, you can make your brain sharper and stronger than before. You can increase your memory, the ability to make smart decisions and also the ability to tolerate pain. It is all related to the powers of your mind. Most people think that humans … Read more

Children have to increase their confidence, then adopt this yogasana, you will get amazing benefits

Children have to increase their confidence, then adopt this yogasana, you will get amazing benefits

Kids yoga : If your child has any problem related to Vocal Chords. He stammers on talk. His self-confidence is weak. In such a situation, parents should teach their child Yoga and Asanas (Yoga For Kids). This can end many of his problems. In this condition, the practice of conch shell can prove to be … Read more

Weight will not increase even after eating white rice, keep these things in mind while making rice

Weight will not increase even after eating white rice, keep these things in mind while making rice

Weight Loss Diet: Most people give up eating white rice in the pursuit of weight loss. It is very tasty to eat white rice. However, white rice is rich in starters and calories. That is why it is advised not to eat rice during weight loss. Rice is first taken out of a healthy diet. … Read more

If you have a hot mood, then keep distance from these things, otherwise your anger may increase.

If you have a hot mood, then keep distance from these things, otherwise your anger may increase.

Anger Foods : There are some people who get angry over every little thing. There can be many reasons for getting angry for no reason or on small things. These reasons can be financial condition, office anger, children’s anger, family anger, cheating or failure etc. But perhaps you will be surprised to know that the … Read more

Increase immunity of children in this way, health will remain

Increase immunity of children in this way, health will remain

Monsoon Child Care Tips: Change of weather during monsoon often worsens the health of people. Especially children, sometimes due to getting wet in the rain and sometimes due to sudden change in weather, often get sick. To maintain and increase the immunity of your children during monsoon, special care should be taken of their food … Read more

You can increase your life by taking this type of diet

You can increase your life by taking this type of diet

Long and healthy life: It totally depends on you how you want to live your life. Because choosing the right food is very important to maintain health and wellness. If the food is right then you can live a long life even in today’s time. Whereas in today’s time the average life age has remained … Read more

Kovid infection may increase the risk of heart attack, how corona damages the heart

Kovid infection may increase the risk of heart attack, how corona damages the heart

Covid Can Cause Heart Attach? During Corona, the maximum number of heart attack cases also increased. Even after recovering from Corona (Covid), patients remain at high risk of getting heart disease. After all, read this report to know how this virus damages our heart and how our heart can be prevented from being hit by … Read more