Ranbir Kapoor suffers from this serious nose disease, these problems are starting to appear when breathing.

Ranbir Kapoor suffers from this serious nose disease, these problems are starting to appear when breathing.

Ranbir Kapoor said in a recent interview that he suffered from the problem of a “deviated nasal partition”. It is a serious disease linked to the nose. During this disease, the bone separating the nostrils becomes bent instead of being straight. In everyday language, it is also called widening of the nasal bone. Ranbir says … Read more

This is why Ranbir Kapoor eats and speaks quickly, has this disease since childhood, there is a link with the nose.

This is why Ranbir Kapoor eats and speaks quickly, has this disease since childhood, there is a link with the nose.

Ranbir Kapoor’s illness: Chocolate and charming Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor has been living with an illness since his childhood. We often hide our pain. His disease is quite rare. This is the reason why Ranbir eats quickly and speaks loudly. You must have often noticed in films that Ranbir Kapoor’s dialogues become very fast. Often, … Read more

After the death of her husband Rishi Kapoor, Neetu fell victim to this disease, that’s how she behaved.

After the death of her husband Rishi Kapoor, Neetu fell victim to this disease, that’s how she behaved.

Neetu Kapoor opened up about her struggle with depression after the death of her husband Rishi Kapoor from leukemia in 2020. Neetu said that after Rishi’s death, she suffered from severe depression. But since then, he has learned to deal with it. He also said returning to work was a relief for him. That’s why … Read more

Ranbir Kapoor Undergoes Major Transformation For ‘Animal’, Here are 5 Tips to Stay Consistent During Workout

Ranbir Kapoor Undergoes Major Transformation For ‘Animal’, Here are 5 Tips to Stay Consistent During Workout

Home Lifestyle Ranbir Kapoor Undergoes Major Transformation For ‘Animal’, Here are 5 Tips to Stay Consistent During Workout Ranbir Kapoor’s latest movie ‘Animal’ has release in theatres and we can see the major body transformation the actor has underwent. It is not easy, and here are few tips to be consistent during workout sessions. Ranbir … Read more

इस रेयर बीमारी से जूझ रहे रणबीर कपूर, तेज बोलने और खाने की है आदत, जानें डिजीज का नाम

इस रेयर बीमारी से जूझ रहे रणबीर कपूर, तेज बोलने और खाने की है आदत, जानें डिजीज का नाम

Ranbir Kapoor Disease : चॉकलेटी और चार्म लुक वाले बॉलीवुड एक्टर रणबीर कपूर (Ranbir Kapoor) बचपन से ही एक बीमारी के साथ जी रहे हैं. अपना यह दर्द अक्सर छिपाते रहते हैं. उनकी यह बीमारी काफी रेयर है. यही कारण है कि रणबीर खाना जल्दी-जल्दी खाते हैं और तेज बातें करते हैं. कई बार फिल्मों में … Read more

Nargis Fakhri says her absence from the films was due to “mental and physical stress”; Know why is it important to slow down

Nargis Fakhri says her absence from the films was due to “mental and physical stress”; Know why is it important to slow down

Nargis is the latest celebrity to speak out about mental health issues, which are the leading causes of depression, stress and anxiety around the world. New Delhi: Nargiswho began his career with the acclaimed “Rockstar” alongside Ranbir Kapoorhe had a hard time dealing with the mental pressures of working on the movies. She was last … Read more