So eat basil leaves in winter, you will get relief from these serious diseases.

So eat basil leaves in winter, you will get relief from these serious diseases.

Tulsi, full of medicinal properties, has great importance in Ayurveda. Along with worship, Tulsi is also very beneficial for health. It contains beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein and beta-carotene along with antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin K, iron, manganese and calcium. Which are beneficial for health. In such a situation, let us know what are the benefits … Read more

हर घर में आसानी से मिलने वाला यह छोटा सा पौधा…करेगा बीमारियों को जड़ से खत्म

हर घर में आसानी से मिलने वाला यह छोटा सा पौधा…करेगा बीमारियों को जड़ से खत्म

<p style="text-align: justify;">तुलसी एक ऐसा पौधा है, जो हर घर में आसानी से मिल जाता है. यह कई औषधीय गुणों से भरपूर होता है. यह धार्मिक महत्व के साथ आयुर्वेद में भी काफी काम आता है. लेकिन बहुत से लोग ऐसे है जिन्हें इसके फायदों के बारे में जानकारी नहीं है, आप भी तुलसी से … Read more

आपके घर में मौजूद है कई बीमारियों का इलाज, ये है सबसे इफेक्टिव देसी एंटीबायोटिक

आपके घर में मौजूद है कई बीमारियों का इलाज, ये है सबसे इफेक्टिव देसी एंटीबायोटिक

Homemade Antibiotics: इन दिनों संक्रमण तेजी से बढ़ रहा है ना सिर्फ कोरोना का खतरा सता रहा है, बल्कि अन्य संक्रामक बीमारियां भी इस मौसम में तेजी से फैलती है. ऐसे में संक्रमण से बचने के लिए अधिकतर लोग एंटीबायोटिक का सेवन करते हैं, लेकिन यह एंटीबायोटिक आपके लीवर पर सीधा इफेक्ट करती है. ऐसे में … Read more

Avoid mosquitoes with these 5 plants, not with coils or mosquito lights… know their names

Avoid mosquitoes with these 5 plants, not with coils or mosquito lights… know their names

Mosquito Repellent Plants: The menace of mosquitoes increases as the summer season approaches. As soon as the evening comes, the whole army of mosquitoes takes possession of your house and because of these mosquitoes, your peace gets lost somewhere. By the way, people use coils, mosquito lights and different types of products from the market … Read more

Tulsi plant protects from many diseases

Tulsi plant protects from many diseases

Tulsi leaves: Tulsi plant is considered sacred in Hinduism. This plant is worshiped with rituals in different Teej festivals. You will definitely find a Tulsi plant outside the house of people who believe in Hinduism. Not only is this plant important from a religious point of view, but in Ayurveda too, this plant has been … Read more

The body will get many benefits by consuming Tulsi tea, it will also stay away from these diseases.

The body will get many benefits by consuming Tulsi tea, it will also stay away from these diseases.

Tulsi Tea: Tulsi has been given great importance in Ayurveda. Tulsi is not only considered auspicious and pure to keep in homes in India, but it also has many health benefits. Many diseases are being treated by its consumption, not from today but for many years. Not only one but many properties are found in … Read more

Eating tulsi seeds will relieve stress, increase immunity

Eating tulsi seeds will relieve stress, increase immunity

Basil Seeds Benefit: You will definitely find a Tulsi plant in most homes. The more religious importance of Tulsi, the more it is considered beneficial in Ayurvedic medicine. Basil leaves are used to cure many diseases. By eating basil leaves, the body remains healthy and the infection ends. Tulsi leaves end the inflammation of the … Read more

What are adaptogens and how can they help you improve mental health

What are adaptogens and how can they help you improve mental health

What are adaptogens and how can they help you improve mental health? Photo: iStock New Delhi: According to the Cleaveland Clinic, adaptogens are plants, herbs, and fungi that help your body respond to stress, anxiety and nervousness. These plants are often sold in the form of teas, capsules, and powders. Adaptogens are also known for … Read more