The condition of women in India is worse than that of men, reaching 129th place in the gender gap report.

There are only two women among the 30 Union ministers who make up the new cabinet of the Government of India formed by the NDA. Overall, the number of ministers in the Central Council fell from 10 to seven under the previous government. This reflects the unfortunate condition of women in India. Compared to the rest of the world, a strange gender gap has been observed in India.

Report of the “World Economy Forum”

The Global Gender Work Report is a report published in the World Economy Forum. In the 18th installment of this report, India ranks third among South Asian economies, its position being worse than that of Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan.

India reaches 129th place in gender gap report

The World Economic Forum recently released the Global Gender Gap Report 2024. In this area, India reached 129th place out of 146 countries. Which is far behind compared to last year. The global gender gap score across all 146 countries is 68.5 percent. According to the data revealed, if we try to achieve equality between men and women, it will take 134 years.

By 2023, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), i.e. 5 generations, will be achieved. These numbers are so telling that no country in the world has managed to achieve complete gender equality. While many countries have reduced the gap between 97 percent of their economies by more than 60 percent. While until 2006, this figure was only 85 percent.

Decline of educational and political empowerment

Last year, India was ranked 127th in this index. While in 2022 he was in 135th place. According to the report for the year 2023, 64.3 percent of the total gender gap in India has been closed, showing a positive improvement in India compared to 2020 (66.8 percent). In fact, the reason behind this decline is the decline in educational and political empowerment of women. At the same time, economic participation and opportunities have already improved.

Women’s participation in Parliament is 17.2 percent

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India is among the countries with the lowest gender equality in all areas. This means that in India, while men earn on average Rs 100, women earn on average Rs 39.8. In India, the country ranks 65th in terms of women’s political empowerment. In India, women’s participation in Parliament is still 17.2 percent, which is much lower than other countries.

India’s position in the South Asian region

India is at 129th position, while its neighboring countries Bangladesh are at 99th, China at 106th, Nepal at 117th, Sri Lanka at 122nd, Bhutan at 124th and Pakistan at the 145th. Iceland again takes first place with 93.5 percent.

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