In a recent study on twin children, it has been revealed that the risk of heart disease is doubled in women who give birth to twins. At the same time, women who give birth to a child are far from this danger. This study published in the European Heart Journal noted that women who give birth to twins had to be hospitalized in the year following the mother."Text-Aligne: justify;"> It appeared in the study that if these women had a problem of high blood pressure during pregnancy, the risk of heart disease increases even more after the birth of twins. This study was carried out by scientists at Rutgars University in America. It has been revealed that in recent decades, twin pregnancies have increased all over the world. The main reason for this is the treatment of fertility (infertility treatment) and pregnancy at a more advanced age."Text-Aligne: justify;"> why heart disease increases due to twins
The chief researcher, Dr. Ruby Lynn, said that during twin pregnancy, the mother’s heart must work harder and after childbirth, it takes several weeks to return to the heart, which increases the risk of heart disease . He said that women who did not have blood pressure problems during pregnancy are also at risk of heart disease for one year after childbirth."Text-Aligne: justify;"> 3.6 Delivery cases on the study
The study team studied data of 3.6 million delivery cases to the United States between 2010 and 2020. It was revealed that the hospitalization rate was 1,105.4 for 1 lakh of delivery In mothers of twins due to heart disease. At the same time, this rate was 734.1 for 1 delivery lakh in women who gave a child. Even if a woman had no problem with high blood pressure during pregnancy, the chances of being hospitalized due to heart disease was more than doubled. In the event of high blood pressure, the danger has increased by eight times."Text-Aligne: justify;"> A child also threatens women who give a gathering
He also appeared in this study that if women who gave birth to a child had a high blood pressure problem at the time of pregnancy, the mortality rate of these women was high after childbirth. At the same time, this danger was less among mothers of twins. This indicates that the long -term risk for mothers of twins can be low, while mothers of single pregnancy can have an effect of already existing cardiovascular problems."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Read also: To avoid dehydration, you don’t even drink excess water, it may be problems