If a type of cancer has struck in the body, doctors often say that when cancer goes from first to third step, many types of symptoms appear in the body. Who are very common to see. But often we ignore it like light or minor health. But it’s a cancer. And you should understand that it clearly means that your immunity is weakening.
The current symptoms of cancer are pain, fatigue, weight loss and bump or swelling. Other symptoms include infection, skin changes and persistent or cold fever. Suddenly, body pain, which is not healed even after having pressed. Pain in the stomach or intestine, or pressure in the rectum or the abdomen. Feel excessive fatigue.
Weight phenomenon
Fatal weight phenomenon or increase in 10 pounds or more
Bumps in the body
Breast or other part of the body
Lymphatic studs swollen in size or neck
Skin changes
Changes in existing sesame seeds
Change in new sesame or taupe
Intestine or urination
Constipation or diarrhea
There are more than 200 different types of cancer that can cause many different signs and symptoms. Sometimes symptoms affect special parts of the body such as stomach or skin.
Symptoms of cervical cancer, liver and ovary
If the periods of a woman or a girl are often seen by abnormally changes, they must be seen immediately with doctors. Because it can be dangerous to ignore it. These can be early symptoms of cervical cancer.
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Symptoms of breast cancer, lung cancer, brain tumor, colon, prostate cancer
If there are changes in the habit of the bathroom several times, then it can be the initial symptoms of colon and prostate cancer.
Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.
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