There are three reasons responsible for sudden cardiac arrest, guess what

Causes of Heart Attack : Cardiac arrest is a sudden attack. If this is not taken care of, the chances of survival are very low. Something similar happened with Ankit Kalra, husband of social media influencer Insha Ghai. 29-year-old Ankit died of cardiac arrest. The most surprising thing is that Ankit Kalra did not have any heart problems. In such a situation, it is important to know what are the reasons that are responsible for cardiac arrest.

Why does cardiac arrest happen suddenly?

Sudden cardiac arrest is a condition in which the heart suddenly stops pumping blood, which causes the blood supply to most parts of the body and the brain to stop. Due to this, the person loses consciousness and the heart rate becomes very low. In this sudden condition, if treatment is not received within a few minutes, death occurs. Nowadays, the cause of death in young people due to heart attack is sudden cardiac arrest.

What are the symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest?

Before a common heart attack, many types of signs are observed in the body. Chest pain or discomfort begins, but no symptoms are observed in sudden cardiac arrest. It happens very suddenly. Most of the patients lose their lives before reaching the hospital.

Causes of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Doctors say that the main reason for sudden cardiac arrest is an unhealthy lifestyle. Poor eating habits, excessive stress, and smoking are also the main culprits for sudden cardiac arrest. Stress is a problem that is rapidly gaining momentum these days. When we are too stressed about something, such hormones start to be released in the body, which weakens the heart and vessels. Due to this, heart health starts to deteriorate. Due to this, blood supply to the heart suddenly becomes difficult and the risk of cardiac arrest increases.

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Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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