These are the early symptoms of lung cancer, and ignoring them can be costly.

Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer. Lung cancer is like a silent killer, it is not detected at all in the beginning. When it reaches its third stage. Then its mild symptoms appear on the body. If this disease is detected early, lives can be saved.

His first symptoms

persistent cough

One of the most common early symptoms of lung cancer is a persistent cough. This is not a common cough; it is a persistent, irritating cough that persists for weeks. If you smoke or have a history of smoking. Do not ignore the cough at all, considering it normal. Because this seemingly normal cough can take a dangerous form.

Changes in chronic cough
If you have a chronic cough due to smoking or another disease, such as chronic bronchitis, pay attention to any changes. The cough associated with lung cancer may sound different, become deeper or more frequent. Sometimes blood may be coughed up. If such a problem occurs, it is a red alert for you. In such a situation, consult a doctor immediately.

shortness of breath

If you have trouble breathing, it could be a lung cancer problem. There may be a tumor or a respiratory infection. Water begins to fill around the lungs. Because of this, there may be difficulty in breathing.

Chest pain

Complaints of chest pain may be a symptom of lung cancer. There may be a complaint of chest pain in case of serious illness like cancer. There may be complaints of difficulty breathing, pain while coughing and laughing.

frequent infections

Because of lung cancer, you may be at higher risk for respiratory infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia. If you find that you get these infections often or if they take a long time to resolve, this could be an early sign of lung cancer.

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Feeling extremely tired or weak even after a good night’s sleep can be a symptom of lung cancer. Cancer-related fatigue is different from normal fatigue. It is often more severe and does not go away with rest. If you feel that fatigue is affecting your daily life.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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