These people have no pain just before the heart attack! Shocking revelation

Each year, millions of people are admitted for treatment in the emergency district due to the complaint of chest pain. If you also feel a problem, you may suffer from a heart attack. But chest pain can also occur for other reasons. The heart attack has become common these days. If you see signs of heart attack around you or in the house, do not take help to take help. In a certain heart attack, the pain is intensified, while certain heart attacks make their prey very silent. Those who come with intense pain can find it difficult to breathe again, but on the other hand, there are also heart attacks that start with slight pain and agitation in a very silent way.

These problems occur in the body due to a heart attack

Previously, most of the elderly suffered from this disease, but now cases of heart attacks have become so common that even young people are practical. There are several reasons behind the heart attack, as if you are a patient with high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure, then you can have a heart attack. If the patient is not taken to hospital immediately after a heart attack, he can also die.
Most people consider chest pain only as a symptom of heart attack, but this is not the case. Before the heart attack, our parts of the body begin to give many types of indications. It is believed that the pain in the heart attack is attached to the chest, but its symptoms are also observed in many parts of the body.

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About 30% of people have a heart pain without chest pain. This is called the silent heart attack. The silent heart attack may have light symptoms or have no symptoms at all. These people are more likely to obtain a silent heart attack. The elderly, women, diabetic patients, people failed the heart.

Silent heart attack symptoms
Spring pain
Jaws, arms or back pain at the top

Jaw pain also several times due to a heart attack

According to news published in English Portal India TV, Dr. Akash Shah, Ahmedabad Newborg Diagnostics Consultant Consultant, says the heart attack in the body in addition to the chest. Outside the chest, the pain begins in these parts of the body. Neck pain, jaw and shoulders: heart pain can spread from chest to neck, jaw and shoulders.

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Not chest pain but back pain due to a heart attack

Some patients with a heart attack complain of back pain in the upper back. This pain is often between shoulder bones. It is more common in women, but people generally consider it as a muscle stretch or fatigue. Abdominal pain: forgetting the upper abdominal pain as a symptom of indigestion or indigestion can be a symptom of heart attack. If these symptoms as well as purchase and fatigue in breathing as well as nausea or vomiting, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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