These serious illnesses, including cancer, can spread from patients to doctors, know the chances

Cancer is not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another through physical contact. However, certain viruses and bacteria can cause cancer. They can spread from person to person. Cancer is caused by abnormal cells in the body that grow out of control. It is not contagious because the immune system destroys foreign cells, including other people’s cancer cells.

viruses and bacteria
Some viruses and bacteria can cause cancer, but cancer itself cannot be passed from one person to another. For example, HPV can cause cervical cancer, but it is not passed from person to person.

organ transplant
In rare cases, cancer can spread from a donor to a recipient through an organ or tissue transplant. However, organ transplants are subject to strict control to prevent disease transmission.

If cancer were contagious, we would face cancer epidemics, just like the flu. We expect higher cancer rates among the families and friends of people with cancer as well as the health professionals who care for them. Although cancer may run more frequently in some families, this does not mean that family members passed cancer on to each other.

The reasons are as follows:

Family members have similar genes.

The family may have similar unhealthy lifestyle habits (e.g., diet and smoking).

Everyone in the family can be exposed to the same carcinogen.

This disease does not occur by approaching a cancer patient. However, there are certain types of cancer in which different viruses and bacteria spread. These include cervical, liver and stomach cancer. According to, cancer is never contagious. This can only happen in cases of organ or tissue transplantation.

  प्रोटीन का पावरहाउस है गोभी जैसी दिखने वाली ये सब्जी, खाने से शरीर बनता है स्ट्रांग, मिलती है त

Besides cancer cells, many cells in the body rely on glucose for energy, but it is absolutely false that by taking glucose or sugar, cancer cells get more energy and grow faster. According to Cancer Research UK, no evidence has yet been found that giving up sugar reduces the risk of cancer.

Also read: Using colors used to dye clothing in the making of cotton candy poses a risk of serious illnesses like cancer.

If a family member has cancer or has had cancer, then there is a risk of cancer in other members of that family, but this usually does not occur. So there is no need to worry about this.

No scientific evidence has yet been found for this. According to the National Cancer Institute, no such evidence has been found that the application of deodorant causes breast cancer. However, there are reports that aluminum compounds and parabens are used in deodorant, which reach the body through the skin and can be harmful. No such evidence has been found regarding hair dyes either, but people working in hair salons or salons who use chemicals in excess are at risk of bladder cancer.

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