Foods for Cervical Cancer : When cells start growing uncontrollably in any part of the body, they take the form of cancer. When these cells begin to grow in the cervix area, cervical cancer occurs. The cervix area is the upper part of the uterus. It is the part of the body that connects the vagina to the uterus.
According to data from the HPV Information Centre, around 51 million girls aged 15 and above in India are at risk of cervical cancer. While every year, 1,23,907 women are victims. Of these, 77,348 die. Health experts say that the risk of this cancer can be reduced to a large extent by maintaining a proper lifestyle and dietary habits. In such a situation, let us know what to keep in diet to avoid cervical cancer…
Why does cervical cancer appear?
Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus (Human Papillomavirus). It is spread through sexual contact such as vaginal, anal and oral. After reaching the body, this virus causes cancer. According to experts, everyone comes into contact with the HPV virus at some point in their life, but our bodies fight and eliminate it. If a person’s immunity is low, this virus changes the cells in the cervix area into cancer cells, which later become cervical cancer. In such a situation, if immunity is strengthened, its risk can be significantly reduced.
Diet to increase immunity to prevent cervical cancer
1. Nutrient-Dense Foods
According to doctors, it is very important to have a balanced diet to prevent cervical cancer. Food should contain adequate amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, water, vitamins and minerals.
2. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C
To strengthen the immune system, one should eat foods rich in vitamin C. Make sure to include sour fruits like tantra, seasonal fruits and amla in your diet. These also work as antioxidants. Broccoli and foods rich in fiber also play an important role.
To boost immunity, you can include nuts in your diet. Nuts like walnuts and almonds are very powerful. Apart from this, olive oil, ghee and mushrooms are also useful in boosting immunity.
4. Foods rich in Omega-3
To strengthen the immune system, include foods rich in omega-3, such as fish oil, flax seeds and chia seeds, in your diet. It has anti-cancer properties. Apart from this, tomato can also be helpful in preventing cancer.
Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.
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