These symptoms start appearing after conception, find out without getting tested

At the beginning of pregnancy, some special symptoms begin to appear, which may indicate that you have conceived. Often, women do not understand whether they are pregnant or not, but by paying attention to some common symptoms, they can guess it even without getting tested. Let us know about these symptoms…

Stopping periods
The first and common symptom is the stopping of periods. If your menstrual cycle is regular and stops suddenly, it could be a sign of pregnancy. Especially if you always get your period on time and this time it is late, then there are chances that you have conceived.

Fatigue and drowsiness
Pregnancy in the late stages. In the early stages of pregnancy, many changes occur in the body, due to which you might feel more tired than usual. Due to the hormonal changes in the body, you start falling asleep frequently and may feel lethargic throughout the day. If you suddenly start feeling very tired and weak for no particular reason, it could be an early sign of pregnancy. Especially if you did not feel so tired or sleepy before, it could be a sign that you have conceived. Mood swings during pregnancy. Your mood can change rapidly due to hormonal changes. Sometimes, you will feel very happy, and sometimes, you will feel sad or irritable for no reason. These emotional changes are common symptoms of pregnancy.

Dizziness and headache
Changes in blood pressure during pregnancy may cause dizziness or mild pain. felt. This is normal and part of bodily changes. If this problem is severe, it is important to see a doctor.

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Breast changes
Swelling, pain and heaviness in the breasts during the first days of pregnancy. This is possible. The nipples may also become more sensitive. These symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in the body due to pregnancy.

Morning sickness
Feeling nauseous or vomiting in the morning, also known as morning sickness, is a common symptom of pregnancy. It can happen at any time of day, but is most common in the morning. If you experience these symptoms, you may be pregnant.

Disclaimer: In the news Some of the information provided is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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