This country has become free from blind diseases, to know what caused a problem?

There are many eye -related diseases in the world, making millions of people upset. A country of the world has completely rid of such a disease that makes people blind. In fact, Garba Hakimi, Minister of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs in Niger, officially announced the country’s oncoserusia.

Who gave this information

According to the Xinhua news agency, Niger has become the first country in Africa to end the disease after having carried out this historic achievement. The important thing is that this disease particularly affected the population living near certain navigable ways. At the same time, Thursday, the World Health Organization (WHO) also congratulated Niger for taking the necessary measures to end the oncocasase.

What countries have ended this disease?

Niger is considered to be the fifth and the first country in Africa, which has managed to stop the transmission of the Occauserka Volvulus parasite. Earlier, four countries in the United States, Colombia (2013), Equator (2014), Guatemala (2016) and Mexico (2015) also ended the fear of this terrible disease.

Try was spent for 15 years

Niger Minister Garba Hakimi said efforts have been made in the country in the past 15 years to eliminate this disease. He provided scientific evidence necessary for the eradication of this disease in the country. The representative of WHO Cassimir Manngu appreciated the commitment and leadership of Niger. The director general of the OMS Tedros Adnom Ghebreyasus said: “I congratulate Niger for the freedom of blind and tarnished disease. This disease causes great pain for the poor. There is another proof of significant progress.

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What causes this disease?

The second tropical disease ending with Oncocoserusis Niger, which was certified by WHO in 2013 to disrupt the transmission of dracunulin. The oncocaurusase is commonly known as the river blindness. There is a parasitic disease and it is the second greatest infectious cause of blindness in the world after trachoma. It is spread to humans mainly by the bite of the infectious black flies found in the areas along the banks of the river. The disease mainly affects the rural population of Africa from the sub-city and Yemen, while small space areas are found in parts of Latin America. Between 1976 and 1989, as part of the oncoserusiase control program (OCP) in West Africa, Niger took vector control measures by spraying pesticides, which caused a significant decrease in levels oncoserusia transmission.

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