This dangerous disease increases the age of children 7 times faster, know its symptoms

Progeria is a rare and dangerous disease in which the age of children begins to increase very rapidly. Children with this disease begin to look old from childhood. This disease is very rare and affects only one or two children per thousand. Come and tell us about this disease in detail…

What is Progeria?
Progeria is a genetic disease, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS). In this disease, children’s bodies begin to age very rapidly. While normal children grow according to their age, the rate of aging in children with Progeria is 7 to 8 times faster than normal.

symptoms of progeria

  • Symptoms of progeria begin to appear in infancy. Children appear normal in the first few months after birth, but around 1 to 2 years of age, symptoms begin to become evident.
  • Hair loss: Children’s hair, eyebrows and eyelashes start to fall out rapidly.
  • Skin Wrinkles: Wrinkles and thinness begin to appear on children’s skin.
  • Height and weight stagnation: The height and weight of these children stop increasing compared to normal children.
  • Facial Features: The face is large, the eyes are large, the nose is thin and pointed, and the jaws are small.
  • Bone and joint problems: There is weak bones, joint pain and difficulty walking.
  • Heart problems: Children with this condition also have heart problems, which increases the risk of heart attack.

cause of progeria
Progeria is a genetic disease caused by a mutation in a gene called LMNA. This disruption produces a special protein in the body, which contributes to increased aging of cells. However, this disease is not hereditary, but rather is due to genetic changes.

progeria treatment
There is currently no permanent cure for Progeria, but some treatments can help reduce the symptoms of this condition. Such as physiotherapy for bone problems, medication for heart problems and regular medical care for children.

expected life expectancy
The life expectancy of children with progeria is low. Typically these children live between 13 and 20 years. The main cause of death for these children is heart disease or stroke.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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