This home remedy can turn black lips pink… have you tried it?

Home Remedies For Dark Lips: Lips are the most important part of your face. If the lips look beautiful and pink, then beauty gets added. But there are many people whose lips are black. Some people’s lips look black due to smoking, while some lose their pink color due to other reasons. Then we move towards beauty treatment to improve the color of our lips, girls resort to lipstick. But now you will not feel the need to hide the blackness of your lips. Because we have brought some special recipe for you. Using which will give a natural pink glow to your lips

Honey and Lemon- You can apply a mixture of honey and lemon to make the lips pink. A good amount of Vitamin C is found in both honey and lemon. Vitamin C acts as a bleaching agent. This mixture acts as a conditioner and moisturizer for the lips, in which case you can apply this paste. Mix one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon honey in a bowl and apply it on the lips. Clean it after about 1 hour. Using it twice a day will lighten the color of your lips to a great extent.

Beetroot –You can also use beetroot to reduce the darkness of lips. It has beta lens properties which gives natural red colour. Keep one slice of beetroot in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes to cool down. Then massage the lips with this piece for about 5 minutes. By doing this your lips start turning pink. Apart from this, if you scrub the lips by mixing half a teaspoon of sugar in one teaspoon of beetroot juice, then also your lips will be benefited.

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Saffron-Saffron is known to improve the complexion of the face, in this case, you can remove the blackness of the lips by using it. Grinding saffron in raw milk and using it on the lips removes the blackness of the lips. Apart from this, a little saffron in butter Black lips can turn pink if mixed and applied on the lips.

Cucumber juice-According to the Style Craze website, Khare juice is rich in antioxidants and silica rich compounds. These compounds lighten the dark color of the lips by reducing pigmentation. If you regularly apply cucumber paste on the lips for 15 to 20 minutes every day, then the blackness of your lips can be removed naturally.

Badam oil-If you apply almond oil on your lips before going to bed at night and leave it for the whole night, then your lips can also turn pink. But you have to follow it regularly for at least 15 days.

Ice –If you foment the lips with ice daily, it improves blood circulation on the lips. The dead cells of the lips come out and the pink color of the lips also increases.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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