This Is Virat Kohli’s Fitness Secret, You Should Also Follow This Diet

Virat Kohli’s Fitness Secret: Everyone is impressed by the fitness of 35-year-old Virat Kohli. The way he looks active on the field, the question that comes to everyone’s mind is what does King Kohli eat? In fact, the secret to cricketer Kohli’s fitness lies in workout and healthy diet.

Some time ago, Virat Kohli revealed his fitness secret and talked about his diet. In such a situation, let us know what Kohli eats and drinks from morning to night…

Virat Kohli’s Diet
In an interview, Virat Kohli said that his diet (Virat Kohli Diet) includes 7 things that keep him fit and active. He explained that his diet includes 2 cups of coffee, pulses, spinach, quinoa, green vegetables, dosa and eggs. Apart from this, Kohli also eats almonds, protein bars and sometimes sugar.

These things are also included in King Kohli’s food
Virat Kohli never eats foods containing sugar and gluten. Also try to avoid dairy products. Virat and his wife Anushka are vegan. Whenever Kohli feels hungry, he eats only 90 percent of the food. Never forget to workout, which keeps his fitness intact.

Virat Kohli drinks a special type of water
King Kohli drinks a special water. The name of which is alkaline water. It is a natural water rich in bicarbonate. Kohli had recently revealed this on social media. He said that he also drinks black water at home on several occasions.

However, this does not happen regularly. Most people like to drink only alkaline water. If you also want to stay fit like Kohli, you can follow a lifestyle and diet plan like him.

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Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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