This Kidney Disease Can Kill Children, Know Its Symptoms Thanks to the Experts

The kidney is an important organ in our body, which cleans the blood and removes dirt from the body. But if there is a problem with the kidneys, it can have harmful effects on the entire body. Kidney diseases can be very dangerous in children, one of which is nephrotic syndrome. This disease is so serious that if treatment is not done in time, children can even die. Come and tell us about the symptoms of this disease and measures to prevent it.

What is nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic syndrome is a serious kidney disease. In this case, a large amount of protein begins to come out of the kidneys with urine. This happens when the kidney filters are not working properly. This can cause swelling, weakness, and other serious problems in the children’s body.

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

  • There are some specific symptoms of this disease, which are very important to recognize.
  • Body swelling: Swelling of the face, especially around the eyes, legs and belly in children is most common. Symptoms are common.
  • Change in urination: Foam in the urine and a decrease in its quantity can also be a sign of this disease.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Children suffer. They tire quickly and feel weaker than usual.
  • Loss of appetite: Children’s appetite decreases, leading to weight loss.
  • Yellowing of the skin: Children’s skin may become pale and. cold, which is another symptom of this disease.

बचाव के उपाय

  • Quick check: If these symptoms appear in your child, consult a doctor immediately and have a proper examination.
  • Take care of cleanliness: Take care of cleanliness around children, so that they avoid infection.
  • Balanced diet: Give children a diet rich in nutrients, so that their immunity becomes stronger.
  • Daily check-up: Keep having children’s kidneys checked, so that any problems can be detected on time.
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Other important points
Nephrotic syndrome can be a serious disease for children, but if its symptoms are recognized in time and treated properly, then this disease can be controlled. If you notice symptoms of this disease in your child, do not ignore it and consult a doctor immediately. With proper care and timely treatment, your child’s health can be protected.

< strong>Disclaimer: Some. Most of the information spread in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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