This mistake should absolutely not be made just before pregnancy, it can be dangerous.

Mistakes before pregnancy: Becoming a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world for a woman. As beautiful as it is, it is also full of difficulties. Pregnancy affects a woman’s entire body. During this period, women have to take care of a lot of things. Women need to take special care of themselves, not only during pregnancy, but also before it. Diet and lifestyle changes are necessary from the moment you conceive or plan to have a baby. Because certain errors can be dangerous and can also hinder your pregnancy.

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What mistake should you not make just before pregnancy?

1. Smoking and alcohol consumption

Smoking and drinking alcohol can also be dangerous before and during pregnancy. This can cause miscarriage, premature birth and problems with the child’s growth. This can also cause design issues.

2. Taking medication without needing it

Some medications can be dangerous before and during pregnancy. For this reason, there may be design problems. Therefore, if you are planning to become a mother, do not take any medication without a doctor’s advice.

3. Unhealthy diet

If you are planning a pregnancy, correct your diet immediately. An unhealthy diet can lead to problems conceiving. Don’t drink too much caffeine, such as tea or coffee. Consumption of processed foods should also be stopped as this will not only lead to problems in conception but may also hamper the development of the child.

4. Taking on too much stress

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Taking on too much stress can also reduce your chances of getting pregnant. It can also affect the growth of the fetus and lead to problems with delivery. Therefore, avoid stress as much as possible.

5. Sleep less

It is important to get full sleep during pregnancy and even when planning it. Lack of sleep can lead to problems with hormonal balance and blood pressure. Therefore, get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

Also read: You are taking pills to sleep, stop immediately or you will lose your kidneys and liver.

Check out the health tools below –
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

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