This person sleeps 30 minutes every day, the doctor knows how dangerous this is for health.

A Japanese person sleeps for 30 minutes: A person should sleep 6-8 hours. But today we are going to tell you the story of one such person. The person who claimed has been sleeping only 30 minutes for 12 years. In fact, A Japanese businessman strangely claimed that he had only slept for half an hour in the past 12 years.

Yes, don’t be surprised when the businessman says that he sleeps for 30 minutes. But the best part is that even after sleeping for such a short time, he remains fit and active. He further says that he has completely trained his body and mind. Moreover, he has so far given mantras to more than 2,100 students to sleep less.

How many hours should you sleep a day to stay fit? If you ask a person, every person should sleep 8 to 7, 5 to 6 hours. But a businessman said that he has been sleeping only 30 minutes for 12 years. The man of this businessman is Daisuke Hori. He said that even after sleeping so little time, he remains very active throughout the day. According to the businessman, despite sleeping less, he remains very fit. He has trained his body and mind.

Why did you decide to sleep less?

According to Daisuke Hori, he only slept 30 minutes in 24 hours to increase his capacity. Due to less sleep, the duration is 23 hours and 30 minutes. He spends more than 2 hours in the gym every day.

Know from the doctor that sleeping only 30 minutes a day is dangerous for your health:

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Know from the doctor that sleeping only 30 minutes a day is dangerous for health. ABP Hindi Live spoke openly with Dr. Saroj Yadav on this whole issue. On this, doctors say that the duration of sleep of a person depends from person to person.

Lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems

Lack of sleep can increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Lack of sleep can lead to accidents and injuries

Lack of sleep can impair your alertness and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Lack of sleep can lead to high blood pressure

Lack of sleep can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure.

Lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s and other diseases

Chronic lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, thyroid and other hormonal problems.

The human body is not designed for so little sleep.

The human body and brain are not designed for such short sleep, say 30 minutes a day.

It is very important to keep the body energetic

Sleep is great for physical recovery. Health experts often say that if you want to stay energetic throughout the day, you should get 8 hours of sleep.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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