Three people died after drinking the gasoline put in a cake, know how dangerous it is for you

Three prisoners in the Mysore Central Jail in Karnataka died after drinking the essence contained in cakes. According to the report, the gasoline was to be used to make a New Year’s cake in the prison. Prison officials said the gasoline was kept in the prison bakery and that three prisoners who worked there drank it to get drunk. Police said this incident happened on December 28. But this was only revealed after the prisoners began experiencing severe stomach pains. After his health deteriorated, he was admitted to KR Hospital where he died.

Why is gasoline dangerous for the body?

Consuming excessive amounts of cake essence can be dangerous because it contains high amounts of alcohol and carcinogens. Drinking too much can cause alcohol poisoning, difficulty breathing and/or swelling of the face, lips or throat. These include loss of sleep, dementia, dizziness, confusion and seizures due to overdose from drinking the essence. Apart from this, excessive consumption of cake essence can cause nausea, kidney failure, diarrhea, headache, and in severe cases, coma and death.

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You can still eat baked cookies or cakes. Even if you accidentally put too much vanilla extract in it. However, too much vanilla extract can give baked goods a stronger flavor than you think. But this does not generally make them unfit for consumption. When cooking, the alcohol present in vanilla extract escapes through the air, but if the taste is too strong.

Avoid Eating Synthetic Vanilla

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Synthetic vanilla essence is an artificially made vanilla flavoring. It is prepared using chemicals. Which tastes like vanilla. Its consumption can cause headaches and allergy problems. You will be surprised to know that if consumed in large quantities, it directly affects the liver.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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