Thyroid Awareness Month: Delayed Growth to Hyperactivity, 5 Signs Your Child May Have Hormonal Imbalance

Is you child having stalled growth, increased lethargy? It may be a warning sign of thyroid. Here are few signs and symptoms of thyroid in kids.


Thyroid Awareness Month: Delayed Growth to Hyperactivity, 5 Signs Your Child May Have Hormonal Imbalance

Thyroid in Kids: Thyroid glands are butterfly-shaped glands that help to determine the metabolic rate and growth rate and affect other chemical functions inside our bodies. Excess or lack of thyroid hormone creates an imbalance that may lead to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Are you witnessing delayed growth, lethargy in your kids? It could be a warning signs of thyroid.

Thyroid disorders may have different presentations about growth, maturation and puberty. But on initial sign can be change in energy level based on Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Speaking exclusively with, Dr. Vahid S. Bharmal, Consultant- Adult & Paediatric Endocrinologist, Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Vadodara, explained that ypothyroidism can cause increased fatigue and lethargy in children. Child may require more time to accomplish the assigned task. Hyperthyroidism can cause hyperactivity, poor attention span and consequently poor scholastic performance.


Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Children:

  • Growth Failure and Weight Gain: Insufficient growth in height and weight below the expected rate for age.Excessive weight gain despite age-appropriate dietary habits.
  • Delayed Puberty or Rarely Precocious Puberty: Onset of puberty later than expected for age. In rare cases, early onset of puberty.
  • Lethargy and Delayed Response: Persistent fatigue and lack of energy. Slowed or delayed reactions to stimuli or situations.
  • Dry Skin and Brittle Hair: Skin appearing dry, flaky, or rough. Hair becomes brittle, prone to breakage.
  • Constipation and Cold Intolerance: Difficulty with bowel movements and infrequent stools. Increased sensitivity to cold temperatures.
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Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism in Children:

  • Weight Loss or Failure to Gain Weight with Acceleration of Height: Unexplained loss of weight despite age-appropriate eating. Height growth at a rate surpassing normal expectations.
  • Tremors: Involuntary shaking or trembling, especially in the hands. Fine or coarse tremors noticeable during various activities.
  • Hyperactivity and Poor Scholastic Performance: Excessive restlessness and heightened activity levels. Decline in academic performance and difficulty concentrating.
  • Warm and Moist Skin: Skin feeling warm to the touch.Increased perspiration and a general sense of moisture.
  • Starry Look:A distant or unfocused gaze, often associated with eye changes. Eyes appearing wide and alert, giving a starry or staring appearance.



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