Signs of warts It is common for spots and pimples to appear on the skin due to dust or pollution, but if warts appear on the skin, it can be a sign of a dangerous disease. Most people don’t know that warts can also appear due to dust and dirt. Doctors say that if warts are not treated at the right time, dangerous diseases like cancer can also arise. In such a situation, let us know on which parts of the body it is dangerous to have warts and how to avoid them.
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what are warts
Warts are skin infections caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). As a result, the skin becomes rough and blotchy. Warts can also be caused by contact with an infected person. These can usually affect the hands, feet, face, private parts and knees.
Why do warts grow on the face?
Dermatologists claim that warts on the face are caused by the human papilloma virus. These can appear anywhere on the face but are most visible on the bearded area. This may be due to cuts caused by the razor. These are quite common near the eyebrows or chin in women, as threading and waxing in salons can cause infections. Apart from this, there is a risk of making this infection worse by sharing towels, towels or makeup brushes. This problem is mainly seen in people with low immunity, diabetes or taking immunosuppressive medications. There is also a risk of getting warts from sexual intercourse.
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Warts can cause dangerous diseases
Doctors say that most warts go away without problems, but sometimes these dangerous diseases can also cause cancer, and genital warts are associated with many types of cancer. These include anal cancer, cervical cancer and throat cancer. Sometimes warts grow from the inside, which can also cause pain. Warts should therefore never be taken lightly. If they persist for a long time, they must be treated.
Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.
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