Weight loss story: Woman reveals how she lost 40 kgs with…

Woman reveals how she lost 40 kilos in 12 months with these exercises and diet, read inside.

Weight loss story: Woman reveals how she lost 40kg in 12 months with…

Losing weight and toning specific areas of the body requires constant effort, specific exercises and a balanced diet. Carla Visentin, a fitness influencer, successfully lost over 40kg thanks to a well-planned exercise regimen and healthy lifestyle changes. One of his areas of focus was toning his arms, where he incorporated specific exercises to build strength and reduce fat. Below is a breakdown of his approach, highlighting the exercises he recommends and the principles he follows.

Key exercises for toned arms

1. Assisted pull-ups:

Assisted pull-ups are a variation of traditional pull-ups for beginners. They help build upper body strength while targeting the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, abdomen and back. By using assistance bands or a machine, this exercise becomes more manageable, allowing you to gradually progress towards performing pull-ups without assistance.

2. Bent-over barbell row:

This strength training exercise targets the back, shoulders, rhomboids, scapular stabilizers, forearms, and biceps. Additionally, it involves the spinal erectors, hamstrings, and glutes to some extent. Barbell rowing is effective for developing a stronger back and improving arm muscle tone.

3. Hammer Curls:

Hammer curls focus on the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. This simple but effective exercise is ideal for beginners and strengthens your arms while improving overall arm definition.

4. Biceps Curl:

The biceps curl, a basic arm exercise, involves lifting dumbbells and working the biceps brachii and related muscles. Performing controlled repetitions ensures maximum activation of the muscle group, contributing to toned and defined arms.

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5. Lateral Pull-downs:

Using a weight machine, lat pulldowns work the upper back and sides of the chest wall. This exercise improves back strength while indirectly helping to tone your arms by engaging the supporting muscles.

Carla’s approach to fitness

Carla emphasizes the importance of consistency in any fitness journey. Practice these exercises twice a week, dedicating one session to your back and biceps and another to your chest and triceps. Each exercise includes three challenging sets of 10 to 12 repetitions to maximize results. Additionally, you gradually increase the weight as your strength improves, ensuring continued progress and avoiding plateaus.

The role of diet and lifestyle

While exercises like these help tone specific areas, Carla also highlights the importance of a holistic approach. Fat loss cannot be directed to one area of ​​the body. Instead, it requires overall weight management through a combination of strength training, cardiovascular activities, and dietary changes. Incorporating a nutrient-dense diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough rest are essential components of your routine.

The takeaway

Carla’s journey from losing 40kg to toning her arms serves as inspiration for anyone looking to embark on a physical transformation. Its focus on structured exercises, consistency and a balanced lifestyle underscores the importance of patience and dedication. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your fitness routine, incorporating these exercises can help you achieve stronger, more defined arms while supporting your overall health.

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