What are the first symptoms of a heart block? This test shows how blocked the heart is.

Nowadays, heart problems are increasing rapidly among people. Often, people do not realize the condition of their heart until a 70% blockage occurs in their arteries. This means that until the disease becomes serious, people ignore the symptoms or take them lightly. It is very important to know your early symptoms so that you can get treatment at the right time.

Know the symptoms of a heart block

  • Chest pain or heaviness: If not enough blood reaches the heart, chest pain or heaviness may be felt.
  • Pain in left hand: Pain, numbness, or heaviness, especially in the left hand, may be a sign of heart blockage.
  • Shortness of breath: Feeling out of breath when walking, climbing stairs, or doing light exercise.
  • Heaviness when climbing stairs or during slight exertion: A feeling of heaviness even during normal activities, which indicates a heart blockage.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Feeling tired and weak quickly even without doing heavy work.

When do heart symptoms appear?
Serious symptoms of heart blockage occur when there is a blockage of 70% or more in the arteries of the heart. In this condition, blood and oxygen do not flow properly in the body, which leads to many problems. If you feel short of breath while climbing stairs, walking fast, or running and have to stop, this can be a serious sign of heart blockage. Stopping may reduce these symptoms for a while, but it does not mean that the problem has gone away. It means that there are already a lot of blockages in your heart. In such a situation, ignoring this problem can be very dangerous, as it can lead to serious problems like a heart attack.

A simple test to detect heart block
If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should contact a doctor immediately. Angiography is the most accurate and reliable test to detect heart blockage. This is a special type of X-ray test, which shows the state of blockage in your arteries. During angiography, the doctor injects a special dye into your arteries to see your blood flow. Thanks to this dye, it is clearly visible on X-rays where the blockage is and how severe it is.

need for rapid treatment
Prompt treatment of a heart blockage is very important because if ignored it can lead to serious problems like a heart attack. Angiography also shows the extent of the blockage and how it can be corrected.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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